Let's continue the journey

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The whole mood had spiralled off. Many people heard of what Maddie said and they'd taken it in an awkward way, filling the air with an unbroken silence. "Listen, let's just forget about what I told (Y/n). You heard something you weren't meant to and now we're all playing the 'quiet game'." She complained.
Scowling, Becca dragged Maddie to a side. "You're being so loud about everything, Maddie. Just shut your damn mouth or else I'll trap you in a reality you won't be able to escape from." Becca threatened.
Taken aback, Maddie stared at Becca, wide eyed before walking off in a huff.
The average conversations started up as the journey continued. Our heroes found themselves passing through a snowy setting. Before long, they found themselves in front of a gate, guarded by two armoured animals. "You have no right to pass by. If you seek entrance through these gates then two of you must defeat us in combat." One of the two commanded, their words louder than they'd intended.
Confidently, (Y/n) stepped forward taking Kirby's hand in their own. "We accept." They smirked, confidence seething from them.

Leading them forwards, the animals showed them to their arena, some platforms tainted with a layer of ice. "Let's begin."

Both of the puffballs watched one another's back, preventing any discrete attacks. Since (Y/n) was effective with handling weapons, they asked Kirby to freeze over their fighting equipment. Without a second thought, Kirby inhaled an icy boulder and became Ice Kirby and spewed frosty air over the weaponry. Glistening with a frosty coating, the tip of the armament sharpened, becoming more lethal. (Y/n) enjoyed the new appearance of their weapon, as they mercilessly beat Goldon and Silvox. In only a matter of minutes, the foes were eliminated however, the gates remained sealed. Thoughtfully, Kirby hurled a friend heart at them, in hopes of answering their question. Affected by the friend heart, the foes got to their feet and opened the gates for them. Now, they could continue onwards with the task at hand: stopping Lord Hyness from resurrecting Void Termina.

A figure with flowing aqua hair stopped them in their tracks. "Bonjam. Heh, that's how we greet people on MY planet. I am Francisca, one of the three generals of magic. Together, we command the Fortress of Shadows known as Jambastion! We-"
"We really don't fuckin' care. So, get out of our way and we'll not reduce you to a bleeding, gory mess." Maddie threatened, grinning maniacally.
Taking a step back, Francisca regained her trail of thought, to destroy them.
Pulling her Ice Francisca out, she pointed at them and announced they were going to fight.
"Another battle? Ok, me and Ribbon will take this." Adeleine offered.
Flying out from behind Adeleine, Ribbon hoisted her best friend upwards by the collar of her teal dress. Pulling out a weapon of her own, Adeleine pointed a gun at francisca and started firing crystals at her. Pulling a water gun out, Francisca squeaked a laugh and shook it. Thinking slyly, Adeleine shot a shard of crystal into the gun, making it explode from pressure. With Fran defeated, the girls triumphantly high fived.
Picking herself up off the ground, she retrieved the Jamba Heart piece that laid on the floor. One last time, she pulled out her Ice Francesca and caused an avalanche before retreating to her Fortress with her arms full.

The victorious duo lead the group forwards, avoiding the avalanche as best as they could. Toppling down was a thick blanket of ice and snow, significantly covering the ground where they previously stood. "Boy, was that a closen'." Rick stated," I got snow in me fur."
Several members of the group laughed hysterically. "We'd be best to settle down somewhere a bit less..icy. I would hate for one of us to get Pnuemonia." Maddie advised.
Eventually, they managed to seek out a warmer place within the winter wonderland. Four lodges stood in a circle, ready to be used.
"Fantastic! Well, we'd best get some rest for the night. Tomorrow's destination doesn't look too kind." Becca reminded.
Tomorrow, they would have to embark on a journey to a place with a temperature so high you could sweat just looking at it. A place, flooded by lava and full of creatures whose bare skin could burn upon contact. As the travelers retreated to their huts for the night, they began to settle down for rest.  A lone swordsman had made the decision to stay outside for a while longer, accompanied by nothing but his thoughts. As he pondered restlessly upon a log, an acquaintance of his came to his side to accompany him.
"Hey, what's up Meta?" Maddie greeted, wearing a look of concern on her face.
Sighing, he was wordless. Every word he wanted to say died in his throat.
Placing a hand on her companion's back, she comforted him. "If you wanna talk, go ahead. If not, then that's understandable." She found herself saying.
"I'm fine, thank you." He told her.
A glint in his eye told her otherwise.
"You don't look too happy, you know you can talk to me about it." She offered, worried.
"I am fine, I just told you." He muttered again.
"You really don't look it. I'm just saying-"
"I am perfectly fine, now leave me alone." He snapped.
Maddie had never seen him act this way before. Usually he was able to restrain himself but she'd pushed him to his limit.
Without another word, she walked back to her shared hut. Slamming the door behind her, she made it evident that she was less than happy. Putting a hand on his mask, he sighed. How could he forget what she'd said about people shouting? How could he forget about what she said she'd been through, with her father being a complete asshole?
As he solemnly sat there, he thought about what he could do to compensate for his mistake.

Away in Dreamland (Kirby fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora