Undoing his mistake

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I know I stick to 1 chapter a day but screw it, this was just too good to cut off. I'm also thinking of making a side book where you can see random things the characters do. Or a meme book, that works too, or maybe both idk.  Hope you enjoy it, (Y/n).

The three witches were hard at work, scavenging through the endless book for an answer. All the spells and potion recipes were made from their ancestors, combined together and put into a singular book. In short, it was made from experience, meaning that there would only be a spell in there to undo it if it needed to be undone. In boredom, Veronica carelessly flicked through it's aged pages, scanning each page lightly for anything that could help the situation, to no avail.

"Nothing!" Veronica shouted, slamming two fists onto the open pages of the book.
Calmly patting Veronica on the back, Alice assured her they would find something eventually.
Trailing off, Trixie's interest had been drawn to a book on the shelf that was simple titled,"Love and it's magical wonders."

Picking it up, she rested it on the book stand, over the previous book. Opening its pages, she took in all of the information it had to offer.
"Nothing." She sighed, tossing it onto the floor in carelessness and discontentment.

With the others..

Kirby put a hand on Galacta Knight's back, reassuring him the best he could. Becca stood against a wall with her arms folded, wondering why the hell this would have or even could have happened. "It's a pattern, someone falls for him then something goes wrong then they get split apart then they get back together. Real good logic." Becca sarcastically remarked.

She's not wrong.

Bandana Waddle Dee went to find (Y/n) and Mollie to check for any progress made. To no surprise, he found none had been made. "What are we supposed to do? It's not like we have the spellbook or anything; the others have it. Wait a second..actually.." Mollie thought to herself deeply. "Some spells can be made up on the spot..give me a second...

Calling forth time and space,
We wish for you to put it back in place,
Undo the spell that helped that with a second face,
Undo what had happened, set forth and erase."

She sensed change, assuming something had been impacted by the chanting of those words. Returning to the throne room, they saw Dedede sat there scowling, tears falling down his face. The monarch gave them a hateful stare and wiped his tears away with the soft fabric of his right sleeve. Wordlessly, he mourned the loss of his loved one, despite him not being dead. Now, he felt even more alone, knowing he had him in his arms for a few moments before he had left him alone with his tears. Well, it was evident they had sorted it out, but where had the masked Knight gotten to?

Galacta Knight fell backwards onto the blanket, staring up towards the ceiling with guilt. Even though it wasn't his fault, he had an awkward feeling of responsibility for the situation, regardless of not being the cause of it. The younger puffball continued comforting the older warrior until a familiar, masked friend came through the door. All of their faces lit up in joy, knowing it had worn off or had been gotten rid of. Becca and Galacta Knight were oblivious to the cause of the situation, unaware that it was a spell that had made it happen.

The newcomer immediately pulled Galacta Knight into his arms and whispered his apologies, saying how he didn't know what had came over him and such. Then Kirby apologised for the spell he's casted, saying he wasn't wary of what he was doing and that he didn't know how they would have been impacted.

It had all blown over and they were done with it all, except Dedede who could only grit his teeth in anguish. All of his chances he had were gone, he had blown it. How envious he was of that lance wielding puffball, it was unfair how he got to have Meta Knight all to himself. The more he thought, the deeper he got. The deeper he got, the more hateful he became.

Calling Becca to his side, he thought up a plan to get rid of Galacta Knight.

Of course, she appeared in front of him and listened to his plan as he expected. What he didn't expect was the disgusted expression she had on her face when he proposed his ingenious plan. "I don't hate Galacta Knight, it was just me being naive and assuming he was the one at fault. I was the problem and I sorted myself out. Me and Meta Knight are friends now because I sorted myself out and I'm also fairly close to Galacta Knight too, real nice guy really. " She smiled, thinking of the two of them.
"Well, he's the official 'strongest warrior', aren't you jealous of that?" He shouted.
"No, not really. He's a fairly good person and deserves it. Besides, I don't want the hassle of training warriors who want to fight me, it's too much. Why else do you think I declined the title?" She explained. "Also, even if I did hate him, you only want to take advantage of me. I wouldn't harm my friends in a million, trillion years!"

The King scowled at her in disgust; how dare she have a different opinion on Galacta Knight!

"That's it! Get me my maids!" He screeched, like a spoiled brat having a tantrum.

At once, the four of them stepped forwards and bowed before their King. "You all hate Galacta Knight, right?" He hastily questioned, receiving a series of confused glances.
"No, not really. He's generally a good person , doesn't really do harm and likes to clean up after himself." Trixie piped up.
"Ay, tone it down, leafy! Noone asked for your input!" He shouted, making Trixie step back.
"Nobody hates Galacta Knight, but some people hate you, sire. Maybe you are the problem. See it from another perspective, you fell in love and want him to break up with his boyfriend because you felt you were better. Now, everyone disagrees with you and thinks you are the problem." Mollie explained.

He slumped backwards onto his throne and dismissed them all except Mollie. This left just the two of them with (Y/n) and the Knight Bois watching from the shadows.

"Explain it simpler." He barked.

"Okay, very well.

You. Are. The. Problem. Here.
You. Are. Trying. To. Force. Someone. Into. A. Relationship. You. Twat." She clapped after every word she said.

Dedede looked down and frowned," Well, what am I supposed to do?"

"Get a life."

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