Venture Forth! Pt 2 - Twin woods

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(Y/n) hurried forwards, accompanied by Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee, into the depths of the woods.

It was just as gorgeous in there as it was outside of the woods; many healthy trees stood tall besides them. Before long, the three had gotten lost in the labyrinth.

The others trudged behind, in no rush to get the boss fight over with. Most of them were too caught up in a light conversation to even notice the absence of the younger ones.

When Morpho Knight finally noticed that the children of the group had gone missing, he told the others at once. "How did we manage to lose sight of them that easily?" Galacta Knight complained.
Meta Knight patted him on the back and reassured him they would be close by. This was enough to make Galacta Knight stop fretting. "That's all well and good but what if the boss is nearby? Taranza never told us who the boss is.." Astro shrugged, making a valid point.
"Yeah! We should be tryna find them before somethin' happens.." Dedede spoke up.

The group had started to argue amongst themselves, some saying they should split up to search and others saying they should search as a group. It continued on for a while before someone told them to cut it out.

It was Becca.

"I don't remember you all bickering so much. Gosh, you'd give me a headache if you carried on.." she teased.

"Becca!" They cried, so cheerful to see them again.

Dedede wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a warm embrace. "Good to see you too, Kingie." She smirked.
"Why did you have to leave?" Meta Knight inquired.

The newcomer gave a chuckle and said she'd tell them everything later. "Why were you all arguing? And..where's (Y/n)?" Becca frowned.

None of them wanted to tell her because it was more than likely that she would call them irresponsible.

Since she received no answers, she took it upon herself to find them on her own.

"If you don't know where they are, then I guess I'll have to find them..wait here." She instructed, before going deeper into the woods.

Bandana Waddle Dee, Kirby and (Y/n) stood between two trees. Both of them looked almost identical, more identical than any of the other trees in the woods.

Suddenly, they shook slightly before revealing the faces in their trunks. All three of them looked on in shock, before noticing a fireball approaching them at a rapid speed. It began burning the trees before going out entirely.

"Becca!" The three of them shouted in unison.
She scooped them up in her arms and hugged them tightly,"Oh, it's been so long since I've seen your adorable faces!!" She squeaked,"How've you been?"
"Becca, you saved us! We were about to-"
"The Star power!" Kirby shouted, cutting Bandana Waddle Dee off.

Kirby was right, they had gotten star power from defeating Twin Woods.

"Star power? As in, the power of the stars or the Star Warriors?" Becca questioned, tilting her head to a side.
"Oh, we forgot to mention. Well, the sun and moon are fighting on our planet and we need to gather power from the stars so we can summon a wish granting comet called Galactic Nova so we can wish it would stop." (Y/n) explained in one breath.
Slowly, she nodded her head, displaying that she semi understood what had been said. "Riiiiiiiiight..." Becca replied,"I've spent so much time on Earth that I forgot all of the magic that existed."

"Oh, can you tell us what you did?" Bandana Waddle Dee chirped.

"Sure, I guess I could explain a bit on the way."

Away in Dreamland (Kirby fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin