A bit of a problem..

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Dedede felt alone without Meta Knight by his side. Even though Escargoon and Bandana Waddle Dee were at his command, standing besides him, he felt nobody there. As he sat sighing on his throne, Escargoon suggested a very good idea,"Hey sire, you're looking a little blue today..how about another movie night?"

The monarch gave the mollusk a grateful smile and loudly declared that he would host another movie night. He wanted to watch a love film, but knew no good ones. Besides, he didn't want to freak Meta Knight out with a passionate sex scene from a film he wasn't familiar with. So, it was settled that it would be another horror film movie night.

Kirby and (Y/n) sat on the checkered picnic blanket playing patty cake with one another. Their masked companion was sat next to his lover, softly caressing his angelic feathered wings. The news got to them about the movie night and (Y/n) couldn't help but cheer with glee. "Another movie night, hell yes!"

"It's been a bit of a while, has it not?" Meta Knight chuckled, turning to Galacta Knight who nodded in agreement.

Time practically flee that day and before they knew it, it was sun down. The sky became stained with warm colours as the crew set off for Castle Dedede. When the puffballs reached the designated room, they were met by Dedede who was rubbing his hands joyfully. It wasn't long before Becca and Maddie joined them, followed by Susie.
"King Dedede, the room is clean now and we've set the food up on tables over there." Mollie bowed lowly as she spoke.
With his usually loud voice, he replied,"Good, girlie. Everyone come in."

All of them went inside and sat down. Galacta Knight sat on the front row, on the furthest seat. Meta Knight sat besides him, then Dedede then Escargoon then Susie then Bandana Waddle Dee then Kirby and finally (Y/n). The humans sat at the back creepily. Three familiar girls appeared in the doorway, Dedede greeting them happily. "Welcome Zan Partizanne, Flamberge and Francesca. I hope you enjoy the film."

Susie immediately got up and met with them. As a group of four, they sat on the second row in the middle. Now there was a gap between Escargoon and Bandana Waddle Dee that nobody cared to fill. The film began...

"Hehe, we're sorry. We were busy doing something." Dark Meta Knight gasped, tired from running.
Morpho Knight stood behind him, covered in a white substance.
"What are you covered in, Morpho?" Galacta Knight questioned, tilting his head to a side.
"Oh, slime. One of the maids showed us this trendy thing from Earth called slime. She couldn't be bothered to colour it so it was just white. DMK smeared it all over me and we just hurried here." He replied, a bit embarrassed.
"Oh, I thought it was something else." (Y/n) admitted, getting a nod of agreement from a few others.
The late comers sat on the seats behind the other Knight Bois.

Finally, the film began...


"Narrator, can you please just get on with it?" Becca asked, looking upwards as if the narrator were God.

Fine, qué the text that means the movie has started.

It were a stormy night that night. Tracey Summers glared at the bathtub, afraid of what she were about to do. Reluctantly, she got into the bath and began cleaning herself.  "Daruma-San fell down." She repeated three times, as she washed her hair.
A sudden presence was felt in the bathtub and, even though her eyes were closed, she knew somebody was there.

It was the morning after and she woke up in a hurry, school was in 5 minutes! The unknowing teen had forgotten all about the ghost that was stalking her that day. Chucking a piece of unbuttered toast into her mouth, she set off for school with Daruma-San following.

All day, the spirit closely followed Tracey, wondering when she would notice. By lunchtime, she had made it blatantly obvious that she was oblivious to her presence.

Better for her but not better for Tracey.

After school, she flopped onto her bed and laughed, it was all fake! She was still alive and well with nothing to worry about. Her friend Ruth had told her to play it since she was so cocky. Ruth had supposedly lost her brother to the game and nobody had believed her. After hours of trying to prove it, they still turned a blind eye to it. Now, Ruth would have more evidence. Typing on her phone, Ruth told her to send a morning text if she made it through the first night. Startled, Tracey texted back,"What do you mean? I started the challenge yesterday and nothing happened."

"What? The challenge doesn't start until the following morning.. wait.."

Tracey looked up in fear to see someone standing over her. Breaking into a cold sweat, she jumped back but got caught.

The next morning, there was no text back..

Galacta Knight was in Meta Knight's arms, shaking like a leaf. Scowling, Dedede enviously eyed them and how close they were. To get his attention, Dedede cried,"Oh my Nova, I'm terrified! C-can you walk me back to my room M-Meta Knight?"

Giving him no response, Dedede shouted it again. Halfway through the film, Morpho Knight had fallen asleep and Dark Meta Knight let him rest on his lap. "Wakey wakey sleepy head." Dark Meta Knight said, poking at Morpho Knight.
Waking up, Morpho Knight gave him a pleasant smile that made him nervous. All of the Knights retreated to their rooms for the night except Meta Knight. "Wait! I just got to say something." Dedede shouted after Meta Knight, making him stop.
"Yes sire?" He replied, turning to face the King.

Looking around, Dedede made sure that there were no witnesses. Luckily, he didn't see Kirby, (Y/n) and Bandana Waddle Dee who peeked around a corner and watched.

In a hurry, Dedede took Meta Knight's mask off and admired his face for a few minutes. Then, he did the unthinkable, he took his chance, shot his shot. Getting closer, he kissed him. Yes, kissed him. Pulling back, Meta Knight wrapped his cape around him. Then, he ran off in disbelief.

All three of the younger puffballs were present when it happened. A maid had came out of nowhere and also seen it, not that it mattered...or did it. Vanishing into flames, she disappeared.

Appearing in front of Galacta Knight, she told him the news..

Oh Nova..

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