Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.3

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Mecha Knight was laid in the room by himself. However, he did have his own conscience and could think for himself. Staring at the ceiling, Mecha Knight waited for his body to stop aching. After the race, a strange ache began on his whole body. It hurt. A lot. Regardless of the injury, he still wanted to destroy...who again..? He couldn't remember...oh..he wanted to eliminate Kirby for some reason..? Shaking his head, he questioned the bizarre thoughts he was experiencing. Why would he want to kill off his own kind? Another star warrior?
Another voice chimed in.
"We want to get rid of him because he takes all the credit. He's nothing like you, he's weak and your strong, he's dumb and you're smart. He always lets you down and doesn't care for how you feel." It said. Mecha Knight took over again. Getting off the hospital bed, he grabbed his sword and armour and prepared for battle.

In Dreamland...

Dedede had gotten bored of Haltmann's shenanigans and had got on call with Susie again. "Ay Susie, where's mah Mecha Knight at?!" He barked, viciously. Rolling her aqua eyes, she could only shrug. As she did, the castle quivered and trembled. Mecha Knight emerged from the clouding smoke. It thickened the air as rubble littered the floor. "There goes dat wall." Dedede muttered to Escargoon.
"I've come here for my next command." Mecha Knight stated, as he bowed. Rubbing his hands together, Dedede only repeated the previous command. "Go get that there Kirby."
Taking one final bow, Mecha Knight left to seek out vengeance and fulfill an order.

With Tiff, Kirby and Becca.

"I've always loved to know more about animals on other planets." Tiff told Becca. Smiling, Becca decided to tell Tiff about Dogs. "On Earth, there are dogs. They are such cute, small smooshcakes! They come in all kinds of sizes and looks and fur colours! I had a Japanese Akita called Chico but he passed away from old age. Dogs don't have that large of a life span. They live to about 12 if they're lucky. Also, they live off of meat and dog biscuits. They can't have sweet things and must be walked every day. Show your dog affection and it will love you back."
Tiff gasped at such useful information. An idea came to Becca. She put her hands on the floor and gently caressed the grass. In the mud, she drew a picture and it illuminated with a real aura. From nowhere, a white dog emerged. "Chico!" Becca shouted, joyously, clasping her arms around the dog's neck. "This is one of many dogs." Becca introduced. "It is my Japanese Akita, this is Chico."

Kirby and Tiff took in the adorable sight but then heard some clanking...

"Now, let's start from where we left off, shall we?" A voice challenged. It was Mecha Knight. Now, he was equipped with a scorpion tail. It was quite powerful and very sharp. He was incredibly reckless with it and damaged his surroundings. Nearby trees had such large tears through their trunks. "Oh no.." Tiff said as she took a few measly steps backwards. Carelessly, she tripped over the root of a tree. Kirby rushed to help his friend up as his for began to attack. "Talk about rude..." Tiff muttered, under her breath. Again, swords clashed ferociously and the two attacked brutally. Until. Kirby threw a devastating sword beam which sent Mecha Knight backwards. "Meta Knight...!" Becca shouted. Whimpering, she knew she wasn't allowed to go near for fear of harming him. Eventually, he got back up on his feet and sliced the air thin with his scorpion tail. Kirby got hit several times. "Try keeping up, fool." He snickered. Unamused, Kirby saw he had made an electric forcefield. Tiff saw that he was wasting his energy and informed Kirby of it. Instead of fighting, Kirby let Mecha Knight waste his electricity on his forcefield, forcing him to give in and surrender. "Inefficient power. Shutting off." The robot fell unconscious in front of Kirby. None of them knew what to do about it. With a heavy sigh, Tiff suggested that they kept him somewhere safe. "I have a safe place, my room in the castle is so large and nobody can come inside without my consent." Becca boasted. So, it was agreed that Becca would take care of their friend and aid him. They parted ways and went home.

In Becca's room.

Kicking off her shoes, she made her way over to her friend. A bright idea later, she decided to put him on her sofa to rest. Now, she had to find out how to get his armour off and get rid of the brainwaves somehow..she got it. Scanning the area, she detected where they originated and blocked the site and deactivated them. Arming herself with a screwdriver, she started to disassemble the parts that made Mecha Knight so indestructible. Some hard work later, and she was finished. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she headed to the kitchen for a snack. Nothing beats a nice treat after a session of hard work, right? Reaching into the fridge, she took out a slice of strawberry cheesecake and began eating it. Meanwhile, in the other room her guest woke up. "...where am I..?.." Meta Knight tiredly questioned. Becca turned around in embarrassment, still holding her cheesecake. "You're in my room, in the castle.." She awkwardly told him. "I had to take apart that armour Susie gave, really was a pain I gotta say."
Meta Knight had his cape wrapped warmly around him. He didn't have his mask on because he was wearing the armour Susie had given him, including a new mask.
"Look, I usually dislike all the mushy crap but..don't do that again. You really scared all of us..even if it doesn't seem like it, we do actually care." She bashfully told him. "So, I hope you feel a bit better."
She gave him a smile.

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