The start of a new start

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This was a new start. Everyone had been so happy ever since the downfall of NightMare Enterprises. Everyone gave Kirby the credit he deserved by giving him watermelons and saying they were forever in his debt-
They were giving Kirby the credit he deserved?
That's nice, but what about the others?
You don't know who else deserves credit?
Tiff does. She helped support Kirby at his lowest and she is undoubtedly the most intelligent intellectual in the village.
Meta Knight does. He..don't get me started on how much he has done. He helped train Kirby, he helped them get there, he fought NME as well. Do you not remember?
I guess you forgot, huh?
Well then, this isn't very good. Is it? Well then, reader, I guess we can't change the past, can we? Well, we can only hope the Cappies remember who to give credit to next time. Huh. Well, let's see what's going on now in Cappy Town.

"Tuff, have you seen Kirby?" Tiff questioned her brother. He looked at her and muttered. "I though he was with you, sis?"
"Well, he's not. Maybe he's at Kawasaki's? You know what he's like for free food." Tiff smiled. She optimistically skipped towards Kawasaki's restaurant with glee. To no suprise, she saw Kirby there, eating. "I finally found you! I couldn't find you anywhere!" Tiff explained.
Kawasaki smiled," Oh hey Tiff! Didn't realize you were here, can I get you anything?" He asked.
Tiff politely declined his proposal, "I've already eaten my lunch." She lied.
"Oh, that's unfortunate. Well, maybe next time you're hungry, I can whip something up."
The conversations was cut short when a flash came from outside. Kirby accidentally spilled his food. "Poyo.." he sadly said. Tiff gasped loudly and rushed outside. Meta Knight had already beat her to it. " this..?" Tiff asked.
"I think it is a ship of some sort. Undoubtedly." Meta Knight told Tiff. It looked like a ship. Definitely was. Or just space debris. A voice came from inside. "Uhh.. I remember that voice from somewhere..." A figure came from inside the clutter of parts. Tiff gasped. Meta Knight kept silent. " head hurts." They said as they took the belt from around their head, revealing their eyes. "Where am I?" She asked them.
Tiff extended her hand. "Welcome to Cappy Town. On planet Popstar." The figure shook her hand. "My name's Tiffany Ebrum, but you can call me Tiff. What's your name?"
The figure smiled,"My name is Rebecca Bethany Starstruck. You can call me Becca for short. Pleasure to meet you." She gave a warm smile. "What about your masked companion? He seems vaguely familiar to me." She said as she turned around to face Meta Knight. "Oh, that's Meta Knight, Head Knight of Castle Dedede. He's a Star Warrior. He fought in the war, he was the only one left until we found Kirby." Tiff proudly introduced. The name rang a bell. "Meta Knight? I remember you, Darling." She said as she pointed at him. He wasn't looking but she couldn't tell why. "I'm so happy to see you after all these years."
"It's been truly ages since we've seen each other, but weren't you suppose to be locked up in that prison in another corner of the galaxy?" He asked her, curiously. She laughed a little bit, more of a giggle than a laugh," I'm not supposed to be out but I've learnt to control myself and I am a lot more stable now, Sweetheart." She answered. "Also, I have came here to warn you. A danger is coming upon the horizon. A company named Haltmann is a newborn threat to Dreamland. Dedede is just as naive as ever and will fall under their strings yet again, blindly. All to rid Cappy Town of Kirby, as always. I knew you'd need to know to ready yourselves for what's coming." She informed them. The two looked at each other. "How can we be so sure to trust her?" Tiff whispered to Meta Knight.
"She is known to be the most powerful person in this entire galaxy and we may be testing our luck. I believe we should trust her. I doubt she will betray us." Meta Knight told Tiff. She sighed but listened. "How are you so sure she is the most powerful being? If she was, why doesn't she fight it on her own?" Tiff asked. Becca listened closely to their conversation and felt her eyes begin to tear up. Before they could notice, she wiped her eyes and plastered on a smile. "Well then, you do trust me or should I just return to my cell?" She questioned. With a heavy exhale, Tiff allowed her to help them. She couldn't have been happier.

In Castle Dedede.

He sat upon his throne with his loyal sidekick Escargoon by his side. He tapped the ground impatiently as he concocted a way to get rid of Kirby. "Now I know that Meta Knight may also be an issue..." He noted. Waddle Doo marched in, holding his sword up,"Sire, someone wishes to see you." He announced.
"Eh, sure. I ain'ts got anythings better to do anyways."
A small creature in a striped purple suit and a marvellous mustache came in. "Greetings, King Dedede. My name is President Haltmann, President of the Haltmann company. I have a proposal to offer. News has spread across the galaxy of NME's downfall. However, fear not. My company has even better gadgets, robots and such perfect for ridding your planet of pesky pink poofs. We are specialized in technology of all kinds, including nanotechnology. Our company also has better prices and our models are much more effective. So, would you like to pick us?"
Dedede was overjoyed at the offer and accepted it. "Aheheheh, I accept alrighty. That Kirbeh won't be able to escape if I got some robits and clones o' lil ol' me."
A smirk covered Haltmann's face. "I'll get to setting up the transfer pad at once."

Eventually, the pad was finished and ready to be used.

A few hours later.

Dedede pressed a button on his throne. The usual screen popped down from the ceiling and Susie was on it. "Hello, King Dedede. What do you need?"
"I need me a monster roblox thingy."
Dedede shouted. Susie stared at him. "What for? Y'know these aren't toys." Susie scolded. Dedede shrugged.
"But I wants me somethin' I can toy around with!" He shouted. Susie rolled her eyes, "Pick up the magazine. Have a look through. I'll be here for when you've picked one." The screen went dark. The King flicked through the magazine. He didn't know how to read so he picked the nicest looking one out. "This one is red and blue, I like this." He switched the screen on and say Susie doing some writing. "Ay, can I get this one. It's looks pretty."

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