A forced marriage

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Becca stood gazing out the window, observing the town as the lights flickered out. She sat on the windowsill and brushed her bleach white hair as she spoke on the phone to her sister. Their conversation was merely just light hearted banter and consisted of generally useless information.

As she twirled her hair around her pinkie, she caught sight of Dedede and Meta Knight approaching the castle. The swordsman looked more than just upset, and the King had a grin plastered across his face as he rubbed his palms together. His fingers were interlocked and he gave a low snicker as he walked besides the loyal warrior.

What surprised her was the fact that Galacta Knight wasn't there with him. She expected the two lovers to come merrily bounding towards the castle after their proposal, so incredibly excited to inform her of their engagement. Yes, she already knew about it from overhearing Maddie and Galacta discussing it. And yes, she still wasn't over the crush she had. For most of the day, she spent it binging videos on YouTube and reading online fanfictions of her favourite videogame characters, longing to have a life as wonderful as theirs.

However, it was the calm after the storm. Though she wasn't over it, she didn't hold any grudges against him. Slowly, she was beginning to come to her senses and feel happy for him. Heck, she'd even started sketching drafts of a dress for the wedding in hopes that she was invited. To top it off, Becca had even spoken with many of the castle folk and villagers about his interests and what scarce information they knew of him just so she could get the perfect wedding gift.

And her relationship with Galacta Knight? As much as she envied his position, she told herself to adore him as much as she adored Meta Knight and to respect their relationship and be there for them.

By sunset, she was starting to feel much happier than before and it showed in her optimistic tone of voice.

But her focus was turned to the miserable expression the knight wore. As a good friend, she had learned to read people's expressions via their face and eyes.

She ducked under the window when Dedede looked in her direction; the horrible bastard was probably manipulating him into doing something against his will.

When she heard the drawbridge fall, she scurried down the hallways to go and greet her friend home.

The sight she was met with was less than desirable.

King Dedede was yapping about a wedding taking place that very evening, and that he and Meta Knight were to be the grooms.

Her jaw dropped. She'd be absent from the group for one day and that was what happened? Everything had seemed to have fallen out of place and Dedede had clearly taken control of everything.

"W-Welcome home, your majesty.." Becca greeted, grabbing the sides of her bathrobe and curtseying slightly,"I hear you are getting married?"

He threw his head back and roared with laughter, the sound of his voice as loud as a crescendo,"Aheheheh, news gets around then, huh? It's true, me and Meta Knight are getting married at 11pm this evening. You can come, but just know that you have no chances of getting with him."

"O-Oh, I know that." She stammered,"I came here to tell him that I'm sorry, but it appears that he's not around. If you see Galacta Knight then tell him I need to have a word with him when possible, kay?"

With that, Becca returned to her room.

Someone had listened to their conversation, someone I think you'd be familiar with. Yes, you heard their conversation.

Their heart beat like a drum in their chest as they peeked through the ajar door. Eavesdropping wasn't something that (Y/n) did often, but the crucial things that they had learned that eay made them glad they did.

(Y/n) was in no position to be stopped, and so they rushed around the town and told all of their friends and all of the villagers of what was going on.

"Oh, how horrible. It's not a wedding unless there's love." Hana, the mayor's wife, mumbled.

"I predict thus won't go all too well, my friend." Mabel told (Y/n).

"If it isn't legal then I'll arrest Dedede! Then again, he is the king so he'll probably change the laws." Chief Bookem babbled thoughtfully.

"Oh, Dedede and cooking up trouble..He should join me in the kitchen, as he's really good at stirring the pot and cooking up disaster!" Kawasaki joked playfully.

None of the Cappies dared to stand against the king, as he had more authority over them all.

In the end, (Y/n) stopped by the beach for a break and to think for a minute. Loud, choked sobs came from the shady figure by the waters. It was so quiet, aside from their cries and whimpers.

(Y/n), being the caring and polite person they were, decided to ask them about their troubles. When they realized it was Galacta Knight, they pulled him into a cuddle and assured him that they would sort the situation out. As believable as they sounded, they were fretting that this may be a problem with no easy solution.

As stars began to gather in clusters in the inky sky, (Y/n) started to feel no hope in the situation. It wasn't as simple as fighting a monster or regaining a planet or slaying the god of all evil who served as an overlord and a businessman who sold monsters to unsuspecting fools who dared to buy them, unaware of their power. No, it was more difficult.

And it sucked that it was someone who was beginning to see change, too. Everyone had believed that Dedede was changing for the better, before he swivelled into the direct opposite direction and inevitably made everything worse than it was originally.

For now, they'd have to have hope and faith in the situation and strive for the best outcome.

Oh, if only life worked like that.

Away in Dreamland (Kirby fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora