Dark Meta Knight X Meta Knight??

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The young girl cowered into the corner of the alleyway as the slender woman approached her. "Am I pretty?" She asked, turning her focus to her.
"Ngh....no." Samara said, boldly. "Leave me alone!"
"You answered the question wrong." Kuchisake-Onna hissed, pulling out her long pair of scissors, and slit Samara's mouth from ear to ear.
A young boy saw and ran off in fear and horror, but she threw her pair of scissors at him and they went right through his chest. He gargled a bit, as blood filled his mouth and throat. At last, he collapsed onto the floor, dead.
"Never talk to strangers.." she muttered psychotically under her breath.

The following day, Kuchisake-Onna went out in her usual attire and scavenged the streets for naive children. She spied a teenage boy and approached him. "Am I pretty?" She questioned.
"So so." He said, walking off.
"Does that mean yes or no?" Kuchisake-Onna thought to herself, stunned. Never had she received that answer before..
And so, she stood there confused.
"I will get you, boy."

She then turned to the screen and pulled back her surgeon mask, revealing her slit mouth. Then, the screen faded to black as she maniacally laughed.

Beware of the wrath of Kuchisake-Onna...

Horrified, they all say there shivering. The way that she had savagely slit that girl's mouth from ear to ear was nightmare fuel! And how she threw the scissors through that boy's chest..petrifying!

"That was one hell of a good film! Good night folks!" Becca yawned as she left the room.
They did not understand how she could view such nightmare fuel and be so collected and calm about it!
Shaking with fear, Susie thanked Dedede for the movie and left for home. The others decided to do the same.
"How about I walk you to your room?" Dark Meta Knight offered, politely.
"Umm..sure." Galacta Knight whispered. If he was going to kiss him again then their friendship would be done. Oh, but it wasn't Galacta Knight who would get it. The trio made their way down the hall and found themselves at their destination in no time. Surprisingly, when they got there, Dark Meta Knight took his mask off and tossed it aside. Then, he took Meta Knight's mask off and kissed him.
This lasted for a short while until he broke apart to breathe. Galacta Knight could just stare, completely shocked.
Once he was done, Dark Meta Knight picked his mask up and bade goodbye to the two, setting off for his own room.

Stood in shock, Meta Knight was trying to process what had happened. Galacta Knight didn't know how to take the scene in; Dark Meta Knight had just kissed Meta Knight.

Taking Galacta Knight by the hand, he lead him into their room. He tried his best not to think about what'd happened.

(Y/n) returned to their room after they saw what had gone on with the Knights...how strange!
Dark Meta Knight be insanely unpredictable sometimes..
Shaking their head, (Y/n) tried not to think about it.

However, nothing they did could take their focus off of it. Nothing at all! Nada!
"I don't know how to feel about that.." (Y/n) whispered to themself, as they got ready to sleep.

In the morning. . .

The sun climbed into a high position in the sky and signalled the people of Dreamland to wake up.
"What time is it, Metty?" Galacta Knight muttered, half awake. To his surprise, Meta Knight wasn't there in bed with him. Breaking into a nervous sweat, Galacta Knight carelessly threw himself off the bed and ran off to seek out his lover. What if he was with Dark Meta Knight? What if he had lost interest?
Bursting into tears, he straightened up his mask and thought of the worst outcomes, bitterly. Coming down the hall, Morpho Knight saw how bitter and distraught Galacta Knight looked. "You don't look too good, what's wrong?" Morpho Knight asked him, curiously.
"Have you seen Meta Knight?" Galacta Knight hurriedly interrogated.
"Oh, he set off early to have a training session with Kirby. Don't be so bitter, cheer up." Morpho Knight reassured.
Gleefully, Galacta Knight rushed outside and, to his delight, he saw Meta Knight training Kirby. When he got close to Meta Knight, he threw his arms around him, lovingly.
"Morning Galacta Knight. Sorry I left you earlier, I went to train Kirby and (Y/n)." He admitted, apologetically.
"(Y/n)? Didn't know that (Y/n) ever wanted to train.." Galacta Knight's voice trailed off. When did (Y/n) bother to train?"
"Since now. When Stella came back, I thought I should help fight her or whatever threatens my paren- I mean friends!" (Y/n) quickly corrected.
Meta Knight's eyes changed to an aquatic blue. "Did you just say parent?" He asked them.
"Well, you feel like my parents; you look after me and care for me as if I were your child.." (Y/n) confessed.

Exchanging looks with Meta Knight, Galacta Knight also was quite prideful.
"I can't believe they said that." Galacta Knight cheerfully whispered to Meta Knight.
They continued on with their training session for the time being and had a great time together. As embarrassing as it was for (Y/n) to confess, they did it anyway and it was funny, because the two considered them as if they was their own child. They were like a little family, a family that wasn't like any other family.
"Should we go on a picnic tomorrow?" Kirby suggestively questioned.
"Sounds like fun!" (Y/n) chimed in.
"I guess if we have time. What do you think, Meta?" Galacta Knight turned to Meta Knight.
"Sure, once we've finished training we'll go on a picnic."

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