Fall of an Ally, Raise of a foe PT.2

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The mindslave stood for a second, processing the command. "Very well." A forced voice answered back. He went to start his mission.
Pacing down the hall, he seeked out his target. His only intent was to eliminate that frail life form he was requested to. After searching through all the rooms in the castle, he went into Cappy Town to find Kirby. And then, his view fell upon a dome-shaped house besides a tree. "Bingo." His robotic voice snickered. Slashing down the door, he made his grand entrance. "Get ready to fight, Kirby." He tested. "I know you will lose."
Startled, Kirby woke up. To his surprise, he saw a very odd figure. Before he could even react, the person drew a sword made of flames and attacked him. Luckily, he managed to make it outside with the stranger still following behind, closely. Finally, Becca made it. Drawing a sword, she shouted ,"Here! Catch this Kirby!"
Quickly reacting, he inhaled the sword. He became Sword Kirby. Readying up his next attack, Mecha Knight waited for Kirby to lay a blow. Kirby didn't move a muscle. With his arm behind his back, Kirby charged up energy to perform a Sword Spin. Mecha Knight advanced forward with his sword swiftly cutting the air behind, and he tried to slice Kirby but he released his fully charged Sword Spin, sending him flying. Now there was a dent in the armour and the manipulation became weaker. Meta Knight took control again. "..What happened..?.." He asked them, weakly.
They didn't say anything, they just embraced him warmly. "We're so glad it's over." Becca said. She couldn't have been more wrong. Almost after she said that, Dedede came running from upon the horizon, shouting for Mecha Knight. The shockwaves got worse. Losing self-control, Mecha Knight drew his sword yet again. Becca jumped in front of Kirby. "No, don't touch him."
The embellishment on Mecha Knight 's mask shone again. Becca drew a sword of her own, it was like Galaxia but with a galactic pattern. The duel then began. Swords clashed. Blood spilt. People were injured. Nobody could beat anyone. Becca was too afraid to hurt him and Kirby wasn't strong enough. Then, he miraculously started to shoot missiles. They had to bat them away like baseballs. Eventually, they managed to destroy his mask. He blinked twice and ran off without another word. Regretlessly, they trailed after him. Dedede was overjoyed at the sight that had unveiled infront of him. He ran after the three in glee.

Back at Castle Dedede.

After ages of running, Mecha Knight made it back to the throne room with the others giving a swift chase. Out of breath, Dedede followed behind. "I'm terribly sorry master, I failed." He said, bowing to Susie. Susie acknowledged her failure and her skin crawled with disappointment. "I need you to get back here for some tests. Immediately." She commanded.
With no hesitation, Mecha Knight climbed onto the teleporter. Now, he was in a strange place. Susie grabbed him by the hand and took him to a hospital looking place. "I have tests to run on you. I'm completely oblivious to your kind and would like more information, if not too much to ask."
"Very well, ma'am. You have my permission." He accepted. Susie clapped her hands together in delight. "I'll need you to take off your armour and your mask."
Mecha Knight listened to her every command. Not a bit of hesitation at all. Susie began to start her work at once, with blood tests and such. Busy with her work, she didn't even take a look at his face. Once she had gathered all the information she needed, she held his hands in her own and looked him in the eyes. "Thank you." She smiled.
"Not a problem, Ma'am." He replied.
She looked to the ground. Guilt ate at her conscience and she felt bad. But, she reassured herself it was in fact necessary and this would help her. Her. her.her.her. It wouldn't help anyone else at all. But her. She had to accept she was being selfish, using Meta Knight for her own gain. Using Dedede for her own gain. Using President Haltmann for her own gain. It felt oh so wrong but oh so right all at once. "You need to rest, Mecha Knight. You are too weak to do any real damage currently."
"Yes, Ma'am." He responded.
And so she left him there until he was ready.
Ready to fight.

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