Venture Forth! pt 18 - Galactic Nova

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They crusaded onwards with their regrets and fears far behind them. Their quest wasn't easy, but it was mediocre in comparison to their previous battles. However, they would surely see that there was more than they had expected that lingered below the surface.

Our heroes had made their way into the vast body of space, ready to summon the wish granting comet Galactic Nova to set the Moon and Sun's quarrel to rest. Their dispute had caused the people of Dreamland much distress and now it would be ended.

With the Star power surrounding him, Kirby summoned the great comet before him and his friends. The space in front them rippled and Nova appeared before their eyes.

"I will grant you one wish --->"

Its voice was so loud yet so quiet, as if it didn't actually speak at all.

Without any warning, Marx knocked Kirby aside as the others could only watch in horror as he shouted,"Well, I want to control POPSTAR!"

"Very well..--->"

"3..2..1..Go! -->"

Watching in horror, they saw the backstabbing jester sprout crystalline wings that shone with various different colours.

He gave a maniacal smirk before floating towards Popstar with his wings shining behind him.

Immediately, (Y/n) stormed after him. Their home planet was at risk because of the mad little traitor.

(Y/n) shouted back to her friends who followed far behind,"If we don't do anything then we'll have to watch our planet get destroyed.. do you want that??"

"They have a point! We've got to do something!" Bandana Waddle Dee piped up in (Y/n)'s defence.

The roster hurried towards their home planet, sparing no time to whine or moan or complain.

Marx, on the other hand, didn't want to fight on Popstar at all. That would only lead to destruction of his own planet, so he lead them astray into a neighboring universe to satisfied their needs to fight him.

"It'll be quick..I'm sure I'll destroy them in an instant with my new power.." He reassuringly mumbled to himself, sounding nowhere near as confident as he intended.

Dedede was the first to react the rocky plains that they would now call the battlefield. In an intimidating manner, he held his mallet high above his head with both hands clutching at it tightly. Closely behind was Dark Meta Knight, already prepared for battle with Dark Galaxia drawn for her scabbard. The very tip was already pointed towards the menace as he gave Marx an unsympathetic glare; it was as cold and harsh as the ground they stood on.

The rest of them followed behind, their swords and spears already drawn and begging to be covered in the blood of their enemy.

Marx gave a fanged grin and rose higher with a flap of his magnificent wings.

"You think you can stop me? Give up now and I'll make your deaths painless.." he scoffed, eyeing them carefully.

He observed their movements, at most they got into a battle stance and readied themselves for the living hell they would have to endure for as long as possible - or until they won.

Kirby practically ran at him with the fire ability equipped. (Y/n) rushed behind him and jumped over him. As they jumped over their companion, Kirby set alight to their weapon which flew out behind them.

Now that they had double to abilities, (Y/n) would do more damage.

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