Venture Forth! pt 19 - The end of that adventure

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(Y/n) pointed the blade of their flaming sword directly at Marx, who hovered above them.


Their eyes narrowed and they gave a tsk.

"Prepare to die.."

The levitating foe gave a scoff of mocking laughter. To him, they were easy prey that stood in his way.

With a flap of his new wings, he lowered himself to the ground after doing a swift loop, mid air.

Tempers were now flared. (Y/n) charged at him with their sword set alight and sliced directly through his face as he split in two to suck up the universe into a black hole. At once, the two pieces of his body fit back together and he screeched. He knocked (Y/n) down with a heavy hit with his right wing before backing up.

Meta Knight and Galacta Knight gave eachother a subtle nod before performing a forward slash together. The energy from their swords travelled further, in an unintentional sword beam, and struck Marx in the centre of his body.

Dedede had charged up energy in the background and hit Marx out of the sky with his flaming mallet. His wings shattered into oblivion and he was defeated.

It was strange to them all, surely there would be something more? Perhaps a hidden bar of health or he would be revived? No?

No, he just laid there in the centre of the barren, rocky planet and cried miserably as his plans had been foiled.

"Wait a minute.." Maddie frowned,"Those people from earlier...who were they? If they weren't working for Marx then what are they doing stalking us?"

Maddie and Becca had theorised that the women from earlier were working for the opposition but, apparently not.

"Huh, what do you mean..?" Lillian asked her,"Nevermind, I'll speak with you two in private when you get home."

"Home? Wait, this adventure is over already? But, I don't wanna go back to a normal and boring life!" Kirby whined.

"Relax kiddo, I'm sure something terrible will happen and we'll be there to sort it out." Dark Meta Knight comforted.

"Oh, something terribly will happen alright.." Dedede hissed through gritted teeth.

Dark Meta Knight gave a hateful glare,"Oh really? Why, would Kingie go the extra mile for something as petty as this argument?"

The King smirked sinisterly,"Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't."

Astro approached (Y/n) and patted them on the head. "You've done great over the past few days. You're becoming a brave and ambitious warrior!" She complimented.

They smiled at her praise. She hadn't said anything like that to them..ever.

Galacta Knight opened a portal through the space time continuum to get back to Popstar. All the way, Becca was babbling about visiting Wonderland once again. Last time they had, they found Morpho Knight and helped save the world.

Oddly enough, the knight couple weren't near each other. Instead, Galacta Knight walked alone as Meta Knight spoke with the King.

I hope nothing has gone on between them.. (Y/n) thought to themselves as they walked into the warming sunlight that greeted them home.

Away in Dreamland (Kirby fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang