Two Knights

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Now that Galacta Knight was staying in Cappy Town, the Cappies felt unsafe. Even though he was the strongest warrior (aside from Rebecca) in the galaxy, they weren't so trusting with him. After a hard bit of persuasion, she managed to sway Galacta Knight so he stayed in Cappy Town. However, people thought his power was an issue but he tried his best to act friendly. "See? If you aren't constantly battling then they won't lock you up." Becca smiled as she looked at Galacta Knight. Suddenly, Tiff and Tuff came running up to them. "Hi Rebecca!" She warmly greeted. Turning to Galacta Knight, she quietly whispered." Whose your new friend?"
Becca gasped. " Oh, my bad! This is Galacta Knight, one of the most powerful warriors in the galaxy. He was sealed away because he was incredibly powerful but I've taught him how to avoid that from happening." She introduced. "Galacta Knight, these are Tiff and Tuff." She pointed at the two of them. They waved and smiled. "Woah, he looks like Meta Knight and Kirby combined!" Tuff gasped.
Dedede rode down the quail roads of Cappy Town and heard the commotion. "What's this all about, huh?" He asked them, loudly.
"We were meeting Becca's friend, Galacta Knight." Tiff introduced.
"He's the most powerful Warrior! He's even stronger then Meta Knight!" Tuff boasted.
"Ain't nobody supposed to be stronger than Meta Knight!!" -Becca stared at him, right in his eyes- "Well, other than Rebecca."
"Relax, he isn't causing chaos or ruining your town. Besides, it makes the town safer." Tiff smiled.
"Safer from what? His majesty has stopped ordering robots that kill Star Warriors so there is nothing to be threatened by.. other than people." Escargoon admitted. He had a point, his majesty had stopped ordering robots and didn't do much harm with his mallet. "I could hire you as a Knight at Castle Dedede, you could help."
"Gladly, your majesty." Galacta Knight agreed. He jumped at the opportunity and Becca gave him a wink and a thumbs up. "Ok then, you are now my second in command."

Meta Knight watched from the shadows, observing the scene. His fear of being forgotten could possibly be true. Sitting down on the grass, he wrapped his cape around him as he pondered about what was going on. He was spaced out so much that he didn't realize that Becca was stood behind him. Kneeling down, she hugged him from behind.
"Metty!" She smiled.
Turning around, he met with Becca. "I haven't seen you all day, you been working on the Halberd or something?" She asked, laying on her stomach and swinging her legs back and forth from behind.
"No, I've just been thinking about important things for a while." He guiltily admitted.
"About being forgotten?" She questioned.
His body froze up, how did she know that?
"It is relatively obvious. Because Galacta Knight is here and you believe he is stronger than you, you feel everyone will forget you and ignore you." She answered. "Really though, nobody will forget you. You have many great friends here, and it will take more than Galacta Knight to change that." She assured him. He smiled under his mask, he knew she was right.

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