Venture Forth! pt 12- Halfmoon

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The roster gazed at the star in wonder; it didn't exactly have much of an average appearance, instead it looked like the galaxy above them.

Chatting on the phone, Becca followed alongside the gathering of knights who spoke amongst themselves. They babbled of nothing in particular, only their journey so far and how it was coming to a close so soon.

(Y/n) listened closely to the human's phonecall - she was talking to her mother who claimed that Becca had yet another sister.

She stammered when she discovered some vital information,"L-l-Lillian..?W-we just spoke with a woman named Lillian, actually.. that means.."

Dedede glared at the woman with intense curiosity.

While they were caught up with that, (Y/n) walked alongside Galacta Knight with their focus turned to the conversation.

Astro approached the child and tapped them gingerly on their shoulder and gave them a warming smile,"Are you okay, (Y/n)?"

Snapping out of their daze, (Y/n) replied hurriedly,"I-I'm okay! Just listening in on something being said.."

"Oh, understandable. Is there something on your mind, my dear?" She asked, sounding rather worried about them.

They continued to walk as they spoke,"Well, not really. It's weird how fast the days have gone by and how we are where we are now.."

The female swordsman gave a hum as a response, subtly nodding slowly as she processed what'd been said.

"I admit, it has been an incredibly long time..look at how far everyone has come." Astro smirked, being particularly reflective in the moment.

They continued on in silence, as Becca had hung up the phone.

The younger puffball pranced onwards all alone, not a single character dared approach him. Kirby felt..alone..something he'd never felt in his life. Not even the twinkling of the distant stars could lighten his mood with their glorious light. Tears began to form in the corners of his deep sapphire eyes as the feeling worsened.

Bandana Waddle Dee walked alongside his majesty, as he babbled on about random subjects that hardly related to one another.

He looked over at his sorrowful friend as tears fell down his flushed cheeks. As much as he wanted to approach him, he knew that the king would only scold him for walking off.

The child's sobs grew louder and louder as the King hit his wit's end. "Kirby! Shut up! There's nothing to cry about! So, shut it before I clobber you!" He snapped.

All of the group's members glared at the King in shock, disappointment and horror.

"Dedede." Dark Meta Knight muttered.

The King looked at the grey Knight, expecting some form of compliment.

"You're fucking disgusting."

Away in Dreamland (Kirby fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora