Venture Forth! part 16 - Independency

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They were stunned by their shadow daring to speak aloud to them..maybe it was just the lack of sleep finally getting to them and causing hallucinations. Or maybe it was real, who knew at this point?

For a minute, (Y/n) considered how many things had changed in their life, for better and for worse.

Their shadow wasn't having it, though. It leapt out of the ground and took the form of a gray-scaled version of them. In a way, they looked like mirror world Kirby, which was rather funny to (Y/n).

Putting a hand on where (Y/n)'s shoulder would be, they edged closer and whispered,"You don't need them. A good Star Warrior values independency and can thrive as an individual without companions constantly holding them back. They continuously latch onto you; what are they without you? That's right, nothing. They're insignificant and nowhere near as valuable as you are as individuals, yet you believe that they're your friends and you'd give your life for them, foolish. They are nothing."

"Th-that's not true! They're very strong warriors, the strongest I know! You're wrong!" (Y/n) snarled, giving a death stare at them.

With a low snicker, they edged even closer until their face was a matter of only centimetres away from (Y/n)'s,"What makes you so affectionate towards them? Pft, they hardly even think about you, and you think so highly of them. They aren't searching for you right now because they don't care. You're insignificant to them fools, but you're worth so..much..more.."

(Y/n)'s face fell from a angered expression to a worried one. Maybe they were right about them not searching for them...otherwise, they would've found them by now.

Reluctant to believe the shady puffball, (Y/n) could only give an icy glare at them and hope it was all just lies that they were spouting.


"(Y/n)! (Y/n), can you hear us..? " Dedede shouted aloud, hoping to get a response from the missing puffball.

Kirby was incredibly upset with (Y/n)'s sudden disappearance, why would they have wanted to leave their friends' side? Bandana Waddle Dee consoled him, telling him that they had left out of curiosity; the Star was quite vast as it was and they hadn't covered that much land.

The Knights spoke amongst themselves as per usual and hoping another argument wouldn't take place.

Of course, another argument ensured and hey presto, it was between Dark Meta Knight and King Dedede yet again.

"Why couldn't you knights have been more responsible with the child? It's your responsibility as it is one of your kind!" Dedede snarled at the group.

Dark Meta Knight stood up on behalf of them and shot back,"Don't start blaming us for your mistakes! Say another bar word about us and I'll slit your fuckin' throat wide open!"

The monarch stomped closer to the masked warrior and gave a hateful gaze and muttered through gritted teeth,"I dare you, you disgusting, lustful little bitch."

And the physical fighting started. The cluster starting blaming one another as Kirby cried in a corner as Bandana Waddle Dee comforted him. The humans decided not to get involved and Dark Meta Knight was ineffectively attempting to kill the king.

"Stop it! This isn't helping! Get over yourselves and act like warriors, not children!" Astro snapped.

Dedede and Dark Meta Knight immediately got away from eachother and broke into a nervous sweat. It was obvious that Astral Knight had the same aura that a mother had when she scolded a child.

"Look, I didn't mean to shout but this isn't our main concern right now. We need to find (Y/n) first and get the main task over with. Maybe then we can settle this dispute." She apologised.

Bandana Dee gave a content sigh and helped Kirby off of the ground and they continued onwards, in search of (Y/n).

The space around them felt as if it were getting darker and darker, as if the light was beginning to fade away. It made them feel like they would black out.

Shadow (Y/n) held out a hand and smirked,"So, will you join me or stay with them...?"

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