It's about time they got explaining!

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Orbing them back to Dreamland, the girls dusted themself off and set to work explaining everything that had happened.

"Nightmare has been terrorising this world for eons, setting those who go against him to a fate so treacherous it hurt them physically and mentally in their last breaths. I set to work to resurrect him to slay him using a spell that would take his power and give it to me. However, this ended up backfiring when I found out NME wasn't actually dead, he had faked his death to try and fool you. Of course, it's evident that you did fall for it and I had to put my plan to rest for a while. Unfortunately, Tiff became possessed by that demon frog and chanted the spell. Though he wasn't dead, he was on the verge of perishing and the spell helped to revive him, to our dismay. So, we helped to defeat him using the Ultimate Power, a power so great that only the chosen 5 could summon it and awaken it from it's slumber. If it was available to anyone, then the world could be put at great risk. When we have possession over it once we've summoned it, we can lend it to a non-chosen one. Only people who have done good in this world can use it if the protectors decide to lend it to them." Mollie explained.

The lot of them sat in awe and shock at the information they had been fed. "But, who are you exactly?" (Y/n) wondered.
Laughing softly, Mollie got ready to explain more. "I'm Mollie, Guardian of Energy, Wielder of Fire and Electricity. I possess the top right shard of the sacred star. I serve as a maid at Castle Dedede in my spare time to help give the Waddle Dee's a break for a while." She introduced, taking a small bow. "My sister's aren't my actual sisters, we just consider our roles a bit like a sisterhood."

Kirby tilted his head to a side, still confused."How did you become a maid at Castle Dedede? We've never seen you before though.."
Dedede piped up,"I don't remember hiring you."

Rubbing her chin, the human shrugged,"Probably because you didn't hire me. The mollusk hired me to spite you, at first at least. He wanted to pretend I was better company than you or whatever, I don't know. You got so annoyed that you tried to hit me with your mallet. Back then, I was still studying witchcraft so I used mortal combat to defend myself."

Looking over, she realized that the couple were holding hands, Galacta Knight leaning against Meta Knight.

Mollie whispered aside to Trixie,"Èl es bonito, ¿No?"
With a slight giggle, she replied,"Si, mi Amiga, si!"

Overhearing their conversation, Meta Knight wrapped his cape around him and looked away, making Galacta Knight upset. "No..why did you do that, Meta Knight?" She asked, also upset with the outcome. "I just said you were cute, that was all."
"No no soy bonito." He said, looking away.
With a sigh, Mollie just whispered to Trixie again. Whatever Trixie had said made Mollie blush,"Èl te moja, ¿No?" She questioned smirking.
Mollie shook her head and got back to what she was doing. "Anymore questions?" She asked.
Immediately, Kirby raised his hand,"How did you come to Dreamland?"
Smugly, Mollie smiled."Well..."

The world shook as the bandit threw another dagger towards 12 year old Mollie. Screaming in fear, she began to cry and covered her ears. Her loyal housemaid comforted her as she placed two hands on her shoulders. "Listen, Miss Mollie, you have a destiny to follow with many friends to meet along the way. Your human family will only hold you back, I can tell you that. " She assured.  Pulling a staff from behind her, she opened a portal to a world full of colour and optimism.
With the portal closed, she found herself unable to leave. As relaxing as it looked, she knew not to let her guard down. Approaching the castle, she looked into getting a form of job there, as a maid perhaps. After countless years spent in isolation because of her father, all she wanted to do was have a normal life. Walking past the residents, she saw they weren't human, eliminating the possiblity that she was still on Earth. Children played in the distance as she carried on, heading onwards to her destination. Her hair was a mess, her clothes tattered and her face a mess of try blood and mud, with a stream of tears running down the sides of her worn face. There were holes in both knees of her white tights, with dried mud dusting around the edges of each hole. Her quaint black dress was tattered at both the bottom and on the sleeves. The frilled accent had been ripped off completely and she had blood all over her skirt's little apron. Both of her black slip ons were in fine condition besides the excessive gathering on mud along the sides of them. Scared and confused, she just shrugged it off and continued on her journey.

In the castle a few minutes later.

The drawbridge fell as she approached and a cyclops approached her, commanding she stated her business with the king. "I'm here to see a relative in the castle." She lied, knowing it would get her inside.
Wandering around the deserted hallways of the castle, she took in the view. With every step, she could hear the echoes of the soles of her petite shoes touching the tiles flooring. Making her way to the throne room, she gazed upon the king as he sat down on his throne and ate a meal enough for an entire household. Besides him was a lavender snail, who just scowled. A caped puffball entered the room, a mask covering his face and displaying his glowing golden eyes. "Sire, is there anything I can do for you at this hour?" He said, bowing low before the king.
His laugh filled the air and boomed as loudly as rolling thunder. "I don't needs you fo' anythin' Meta Knight now scram!" He yelled at the Knight.
"Very well, sire." He said, bowing once again then leaving seconds later through the door that she was spying through.
"Who would you be?" He asked, drawing Galaxia.
Putting her arms up, she hurriedly answered,"I'm Mollie, I'm here looking for a job because I only just came to this planet to evacuate my old one." She mumbled, her tears still falling.
The Knight looked at the girl, it was obvious she was a mere child, it would be cruel of him to slay her.
"Come with me." He told her, walking back through into the throne room.
Dedede gave him a disgusted stare, irritated that Meta Knight had interrupted him twice now. "Sire, is there any possible job opportunities for this child?" He asked.
Leaning forwards, Dedede inspected the human. Her appearance was filthy and she had marks all over her body. "How old even is she?" Dedede whispered to Escargoon.
"I have no idea, sire. Is she one of those humans?" He replied, curiosity enrapturing him.
"I'll do any job, as well as I can be paid well and have good accommodation." She pleaded, desperately hoping they would employ her at such a young age.
Finally, he agreed to let her stay in Castle Dedede, out of sight of the others.

"And that's how I came here!" Mollie smiled.

Okay, we have another Q&A. Feel free to put anything in the comments! You can ask questions to the following:

Meta Knight
King Dedede
Bandana Waddle Dee
Galacta Knight
Morpho Knight
Dark Meta Knight
The Mage Sisters
Rick, Kine and Coo

And any other character in this story. Also,don't forget you are (Y/n) so we don't need any questions for them. They are a main character but you know everything about them >:3

Happy commenting <3

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