The rabbit hole

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(Y/n) went back to the Castle, trying to think how they could fix the relationship of the frenemies. Just then, a voice called them from behind. "You don't need to worry.."
"Meta Knight, I almost had a heart attack!!" (Y/n) cried.
Meta Knight could only give a laugh. Their reaction was hilarious!
"Where's Galacta Knight?" (Y/n) realized he wasn't with him.
"Just at the castle, nothing special." Meta Knight sighed, exhaustedly.
"Oh, do you share a room now?"
"Yes, we do."
"So you share a bed too?"
"I'll take that as a yes."
(Y/n) had won that battle, leaving Meta Knight a bashful mess. " A..anyway, I was just wanting to know what you're doing out so late. You hardly ever stay up so late and you are a lot younger, you need your rest." Meta Knight told.
(Y/n) rolled their eyes. " I'm busy trying to repair your relationship with Becca. By relationship, I specifically mean friendship." (Y/n) said.
"We aren't friends for a reason, (Y/n). We don't get along and that makes us incompatible. Friends need things in common."
Blinking blankly, they stared at Meta Knight. "I don't get it. You have things in common. You both like to make sure the world is rid of evil, you share a passion for fighting, you both want to protect Kirby. Etc." (Y/n) listed.
Although they were right, Meta Knight hated to admit it.
"Well, we aren't friends and that's that." Meta Knight frowned. He then ran off, his cape wrapped warmly around him. "Hey wait!" (Y/n) shouted, trailing off.
With his cape around him, it made an instruction. Accidentally, he stepped on the fabric of his cape and tripped. Luckily, (Y/n) helped him up. "Let's go home.." (Y/n) whispered, leading him towards the castle.

"What to do...what to do.." Becca pondered, desperately. Ever since she had lost her closest friend, she'd been incredibly desperate. "Hmph..nothing."

As she had rested her head on her desk, she had unintentionally shook it and caused a book to fall. With a heavy CRASH it landed right besides her. With curiosity, she glanced at it. "The mysteries of Wonderland."

Wide-eyed, she stared at the book. Was Wonderland an actual place...? Intensely enraptured, she picked up the book and read on.

"Wonderland, a quite lovely place of no concepts. Anything impossible becomes possible here. Though it sounds unrealistic, it is a true place. While all this seems fine and dandy, real horror can hide behind masks of porcelain. Beware of who you trust here, not everyone or thing is genuine...

The Queen of hearts rules over this unknown place, whilst in the past she's done many inexcusable things, everyone has gone past this. The folk of Wonderland openly welcome newbie folks. When new people arrive, they are greeted with love, care and respect; this is a safe haven for everyone after all.

The entrance to wonderland is unpredictable; those who are blind to Wonderland's existence will not be invited, unless reality has really broken them apart. Whom who believe in Wonderland will know the rabbit's hole is the entrance. In Dreamland the hole is located in Whispy Woods."

Smiling broadly, she knew what she was going to do. However, she'd have to wait for tomorrow to do it. Yawning exhaustedly, she laid down on her desk again to catch some z's.

Waking with a stretch, Becca looked over at the papers messily scattered in her desk. Bills. . . More bills. . . A plan?
Oh, the plan!
Smirking, she dressed quickly and went off to find Meta Knight. In brutal honesty, she didn't care who else came with her as long as their friendship was fixed, she didn't mind.

"Meta Knight?" She said, knocking on the door a couple times. No response. Gently, she slid the letter under the door. Laughing softly, she left.

Many hours later. . .

Galacta Knight was the first out of them to get up. Slightly quivering, he got out of bed. How cold was the castle that day? He didn't understand why it was so...cold.! Shivering, Galacta Knight stole a glance over at Meta Knight, he looked so cute when he slept. As he walked over, he noticed a letter in the floor that was addressed to Meta Knight. "Hmm...I'll put it over here so it's not on the floor.." he whispered to himself, to make sure he didn't wake his partner.
It wasn't Galacta Knight who woke him up, it was usually the terrifying nightmares that haunted him that did that. It was almost routinely for Meta Knight to wake up after seeing something haunting, then Galacta Knight went over to comfort him, telling him he was safe and everything was alright. They'd often share these moments at ridiculous times, such as 4 am, but that couldn't be helped.
Startled, Meta Knight woke up. "Another bad dream? You don't get a break, do you?" Galacta Knight muttered. He loved him, he really did, but he didn't like having to see him so upset, anxious and afraid. "Y..yeah. Sorry if I woke you.." Meta Knight stuttered, out of breath yet smiling so softly. Gah, it made Galacta Knight all flustered when he smiled so innocently. Hiding his face, he out his mask on. "N..not..a...a problem.." Galacta Knight hurriedly replied. Sometimes, he made him feel so nervous..but it was such a rush and it was worth it. "Oh, a letter came for you. It doesn't say who it's from." Galacta Knight gestured over to the table he had placed it on. Full of curiosity, Meta Knight opened the letter and read it thoroughly. "It's Becca. She wants to be friends again." Meta Knight frowned, he had thought she had let it go by now! Well, he'd see what she had to say.


"This is a hole. Not just an ordinary hole though, it's a hole to Wonderland." Becca proudly showed.
Intregued, (Y/n)'s jaw dropped. "That's so cool!" They swooned.
"I'm gonna take us all there. Dedede, Bandana Waddle Dee, Kirby, You and Meta Knight." She smirked. "We just have to wait for them to arrive. I sent the invites out first."

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