N. M Part 47

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Zoe's POV

It's been almost five months. Things have been stable at work and finally everything seems to be back to normal. I seem to be back to normal. I don't lie awake in the middle of the night anymore. Feeling at the hot tears run down the corner of my eyes, temple, and then hit my pillow. I don't skip meals because of anxiety and the terrible stomach aches I used to get with it. I have even managed to take Storm to the dog park. I guess you can say my depression came back after the break up. It wasn't as deep, gladly. Army really kept me afloat. I was in the dark and scary sea while they were my lifejacket.

"Zoe~"  Chenle called out for me as I turned my attention away from my phone to the computer screen next to me. We had both been busy but being the best friends we were we still managed to find a way to annoy each other. Oh right. This Idiot also happens to be one of the reasons I'm better now. Get you someone like him ladies or guys or anyone.

"What? " I hissed going back to my phone, wiggling my toes out of habit as I felt Storms fur brush past them as he jumped from the side of the bed right onto me. This was another thing that just so happened to get huge. Physical and socially too. I had to open an Instagram account since the Fans obsessed over how cute and huge he was. All that nice stuff. He isn't the only one that just so happened to get taller. I'm 173 cm tall now and I can just say my fans love it. I wouldn't mind batting for the other team if you know what I mean.

"Why are you wiggling your eye brows-" I immediately stopped at Chenles words. "Anyway- you're still coming for our anniversary rightttt" Chenle dragged on and I just nodded. He had asked me like three hundred times already. It had gotten annoying the fourth time he asked so imagine now.

"Yeah yeah, I'm gonna go shower soon" I cleared my throat ending my game of bingo and turned off my phone, being satisfied with my win. "I'll pick out my clothes. " I justified why I wasn't going to be on the camera anymore as I rolled off the bed and crawled to my closet. Sitting there as I looked around for whatever I felt like wearing. What was the vibe today? hooker? Little boy? queen Nicki Minaj? So many options.

"Who are you talking to? " the deep voice came from my laptop and it made me freeze a bit. "No one dammit " I could feel Chenle roll his eyes at the person making me smile. "I heard you asked if they're coming over-"


Chenles POV

I closed my laptop looking back at Jisung who stood in between my door and the hallway. "Does it really matter? Just stay in your room like you always do. " I sat up. I didn't like fighting with him but I had to bare with him the most I could. We were group mates for starters.

"Ooo~ whos coming over? " Jaemin asked as Mark and Lucas all crowded the door as well. "Just Zoe- why the hell are you here? " I arched a brow as I Looked at Lucas. "I'm part of Dream~" he cheered making me just chuckle. "I'm ordering Pizzas so make you orders on a piece of paper"

"Awww you're so kind~" Lucas gave me blowing kisses. But in reality I was just doing it because I didn't want them to have an excuse to come up to mine and Zoe's fun time. I have alter motives but I'm not about to tell them that. I stood up with a smile pushing them out my room and closing the door with lock. "Finally piece and quite" I sighed laying back in bed and taking a quick nap.

Which was a horrible Idea. I managed to wake up and order the Pizza just before the door bell rang. It was almost dark outside as well. I hadn't gotten ready and my hair was a mess. All I could do though was rush out my room to get to the door before anyone else. "H-hello''

" why are you breathing so loudly " Zoe asked trying not to laugh as she tilted her head. I tired to calm down as I looked her over. She looked to be in good physical form... Maybe even a bit thinner. No more baby fat but a sharp jawline for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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