N.M part 13

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Johnnys POV

We had just finished eating and were fooling around by hitting each other. Fun right! I looked down and realized I was about to step on someones phones. I guess luck was on their side cause it would of been broke if I didn't notice.

The phone's case was Mickey mouse's middle finger and than it said 'have a nice day'. Wow! okay! Thank you cause I will. "Yahh whose phone is this" I shouted holding the phone up so everyone could see it. All the staff shook their heads no while the some of the members, who hadn't checked their pockets, came over to look at it closer and make sure it wasn't theirs.

 All the staff shook their heads no while the some of the members, who hadn't checked their pockets, came over to look at it closer and make sure it wasn't theirs

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"It  doesn't belong to any of us thats for sure" Ten stated. "Hey guys! Look who we have here," we all looked in the way where Manager-nims voice came from and saw Got7 sunbaes behind him. We all bowed to each other.

"What's up guys" Bambam sunbae yelled. We all immediately smiled, but than I remembered the phone. "Does this belong to one of you" I asked showing them the phone in my hand. "That's Zoes phone!" Jackson sunbae screeched making me jump a little.

"Zoe?" I asked clearly confused.

"Who's that?" Renjun asked. "Didn't you see her, she kinda made a big commotion in here." Bambam sunbae said earning a smack on the head by Jinyoung sunbae. "It was your fault in the first place." He said after smacking the younger one.

Jinyoung sunbae than looked at us. "She was a girl about this height-" he showed the height with his hand "-pink curly hair, glasses, a small dog beside her" he continued. "Ohhhhhh" we all said at the same time.

"Well could you give it to her?" I asked stretching out my hand to give the phone to them. They looked at each other, I noticed a small smirk appear on their faces.


Zoes POV

"Yes sir I will never do it again!" I bowed one more time before entering the room from before. "Oh your finally here sweetheart I was worried." The auntie said to me and I bowed again as a sorry.

"Okay lets start the cute shots! And I think we are going to need that doggy of yours." She said with a finger to her chin. I looked at Storm and he looked at me. This...is going to be interesting.

"Okay I need you to put this on!" I took my hat off and put the black wolf ears on. Kinky much.

"Omo so cute, okay now go in the play pen -"

Time skip 

"These shots are fantastic! 10 minute break everyone!" The auntie said or screamed I guess you could saw. I put Storm down and than felt arms around me. My waist to be exact.

"Zozo I'm sorry!" The voice screamed in my ear while sobbing. "Huh?" I looked on my shoulder and saw raven black short hair. Still confused I turned around with the body still attached to me.

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