DAY 065

40 7 0

"Stay at home, Shrynae. You won't be going anywhere. Do you understand?" I nodded. I'm actually planning to go get some fresh air but dad won't let me.

"I'll go to work now." Dad bid goodbye to me and now I'm all alone in this house again.

I decided to study for our first periodical exam, however, I'm tempted to watch anime or kdrama. When I'm about to get my laptop, the doorbell rang.

"Order niyo po sa lazada ma'am." My brows furrowed, I don't remember ordering at lazada.

My eyes widened when I opened the door and Laune is standing with flowers in his hand. Are those flowers a daisy?

"Are you a stalker?" He laughed.

"I saw you going here last time and I confirmed that you're really living here when I saw your dad. And by the way, I just live nearby." Right, we once ride on the same tricycle.

"So what are you doing here?" I let him enter first and let him sit on the sofa.

"Here," he handed me the daisies and I accepted it.

"Thank you...?" I hesitated of thanking him because I don't think he came here just to give me these.

"Do you know what daisy symbolizes?" I nodded. I'm actually surprised that Laune is fluent in english, but he kept on saying that he is "bobo".

"I think it symbolizes innocence or purity, I'm not sure. But why are you asking me that and why did you give me these?" Laune took a deep breath.

"I'm here to ask you if you can help me court Renxy. I promise that this will be the first and last favor that I will ask you." I took a deep breath and sat beside him.

I knew it.

"Seriously?" I asked, annoyed. Then, he nodded as a response.

I'm afraid that I might pass away before I can even help him court Renxy and surprise her. And also, if I'm going to help him, I am just hurting myself.

"Just go home, Laune. How many times do I have to tell you that I can't help you?" Laune pouted and I find it cute. But still, I won't help him.

"Tulungan mo na kasi ako, please?" My eyes widened when he pleaded and suddenly kneel in front of me.

"Fine! Get up and go home!" His smile reached his ears and hugged me which made my heart skip a beat.

"Thank you, Shrynae!" I faked a smile and bid goodbye to Laune. He's really serious to Renxy, huh. Lucky her.


Dear Diary,
Our first periodical is coming so I just studied. Dad is at his work when the doorbell rang. It was Laune pretending to be lazada. He knew my address because he just lives nearby and saw me going here and he also saw dad leaving earlier. He went here and forced me to help him court Renxy, so I just agree so that he'll go home. I know that he won't take "no" as an answer so I agreed to help him even though I'm aware that I am just going to get hurt.

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