DAY 099

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The doctors let me have a visitor inside the ICU. Probably because I am too weak now? I don't want to think about it.

"I l-love you, d-dad." I'm still wearing an oxygen mask but I know that dad can hear what I said.

"I love you too, Shrynae." I forced myself to smile with my oxygen mask on.

"M-mom..." I whispered when I saw her behind dad. She smiled at me and walked closer to me, then she held my hand.

"Come with me Shrynae, it's time for you to rest. You've been brave for so long." She stared at me. I miss her so much.

Am I hallucinating? Am I dead? Is this true? Is everything just a nightmare? What's happening?

"Shrynae." I snapped back in reality when I heard dad's voice. I looked around the ICU and I can't see mom anymore. It was just my imagination.

"Laune's here, I'll let him in." Dad left the ICU and Laune entered.

I tried my best to kept breathing.

"L-laune..." He smiled as he stood beside my bed. He showed me the bouquet of daisies that made me smile.

"It's okay, I'm here." I want to hug him, but I can't even lift my own hand.

"Pagod ka na ba?" He can see how weak I am and I bet by the looks on my face I'm already dying. Yeah, I am dying. Even though I have an oxygen mask, it's hard for me to breathe.

I forced a smile and tried to reached Laune's hand but I failed so instead I said, "mahal kita." He always wanted me to say a Filipino word or phrase and I did what he wanted before I'll leave.

Tears escaped from my eyes as thousand of memories flashed in my mind.

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