DAY 030

43 8 0

"What? You got dizzy yesterday?" I nodded.

"Thankfully, my classmate took me to the clinic so I rested there the whole morning." Dad massaged his temple.

"I should take you to the hospital, Shrynae." I took a deep breath and shook my head.

"And what, dad? You'll let me stay there again? Dad, you know that when you will take me to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor will suggest that you'll admit me to the hospital. You promised to give me freedom, dad, you better hold on to your promise."

"Sometimes it's necessary to break your promise, Shrynae. It is necessary to break my promise." I stood up and faced dad.

"Why can't you just accept it, dad?"

"Accept what?"

"We both know that I'm dying. Letting me stay in the hospital for treatment is just a waste. And also, I might die early if I'll stay in the hospital."

"Shrynae, I understand what you are feeling-"

"No, you don't. I'd rather die happy with my friends than die in that hospital full of regrets."

"I can't force you, can I?" Tears roll down in my cheeks.

"I also don't want to die, dad. There are still a lot of things that I need to do. I still have a promise to mom that I need to fulfill-"

"Shrynae, you should finish your study okay? Now that your dad will be the only one taking care of you, be good to him, okay?" I held mom's hand as my tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Mommy..." Mom smiled and she held my hand too.

"Promise me that you'll finish your study, and you will repay dad for taking care of you. Hmm?" I forcefully smiled.

"I-I promise."

"-but I can't fulfill that promise anymore. You're right, dad. Sometimes it's necessary to break our promise. But please, let me live a normal life until I die." Dad took a deep breath and turned his back to me.

"Then promise me one thing, Shrynae." I wiped my tears.

"Promise you what?" Dad faced me again and smiled.

"Be happy." Those are just two simple words, but it broke my heart.


Dear Diary,
Dad wants me to go to the doctor with him, but I don't want to. Because I am totally aware of my situation. I will die soon.

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