DAY 017

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I opened my phone when it suddenly vibrated. Then I checked my messenger when I saw the notification that Laune messaged me.

Laune: Your father is handsome, no doubt you are beautiful.

"No phone at church, Shrynae." I put my phone in my bag and apologized to dad.

I glance at Laune who's sitting beside me and he is with his family. I should be thankful that he is acting like he doesn't know me.

"Peace be with you." I bump my forehead on Laune's chest when I faced him and bowed.

"I'm sorry," I apologized and Laune just smiled at me. I even glanced at dad to check if he is looking at us. Thankfully, he's not looking at us.

He used to be protective when it comes to boys. He doesn't want me to have a boyfriend because I'm still young.

When it's time for communion, I suddenly feel that my nose is bleeding. I stayed in my seat, trying to find my handkerchief or tissue in my bag.

"Dumudugo ang ilong mo Shrynae. Wala namang nag-english-ay magaling ka pala mag-english. Pero seryoso, anong nangyari diyan?" I ignored Laune because his family came and I also found my tissue.

I immediately wiped the blood on my nose using the tissue. When dad came, he prayed first, and then he faced me.

"Shrynae, should I take you to the hospital? It's getting wo-" I didn't let dad finish what he wants to say because Laune might hear it.

"I'm fine dad, don't worry about me." I secretly glanced at Laune and he's looking at us.

Did he hear what my dad said?


Dear Diary,
I saw Laune at the church today. Why does he always show up? Saturday is the only day we didn't see each other. But anyway, he sat beside me and our family is with us. I'm thankful that he acted like he didn't know me.

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