DAY 025

64 10 1

I was about to get up when I suddenly feel dizzy. What the hell is happening to me? Yeah, I'm sick but why now? Why am I acting like this now?

"Shrynae, you're gonna be late. Are you still sleeping?" Dad opened the door of my room. I don't usually lock the door of my room because I'm scared something might happen to me while I'm sleeping and dad can't enter my room.

"Dad I-" I didn't finish my statement because I suddenly vomit blood and I am still in my bed! Argh!

"I'm fine, dad, I'll just stay home. You should go to your work now, you'll be late." Dad glanced at his wristwatch and took a deep breath.

"I can't leave you like this, Shrynae. I'll be absent today, you should be absent too. Come on, clean yourself and I'll just change your bedsheet." I stared at dad while he helped me get off the bed. Gosh, I feel like a burden to dad.

"I'm used to this, dad, I can handle this on my own. You should go. You need to work for the both of us, remember?" For you to buy me the medicines that I am not taking anymore. Medicines won't work at me anymore so what's the purpose? I feel so guilty of not drinking it though.

"Are you still drinking your medicines?" I heard dad ask while I am still taking a bath in the bathroom.

"Stop buying me medicines, I won't drink it anymore. I'm just going to be a burden to you, we should just accept the fact that the medicines can't help me anymore." Tears fell from my eyes. I still want to live my life to the fullest and this is still not the fullest. Yes, I feel alive but this is still not enough.

I want to have a bucket list-I actually have one. But it's not yet finished and I also think that I won't be able to do all of it.

"Don't say that, Shrynae!" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I heard you talking to the doctor when I was in the hospital the day before I got discharged. The doctor said that the medicines can't heal me. Nothing can cure me, dad. Please, stop it already," I pleaded. Tears roll down my cheeks at the same time the water from the shower fell in my body.

"Just inform my teacher on your way to work. Tell her that I will be absent today." Because I don't think I can focus in my class if I will be going to school. I will probably just stay at the school clinic, vomiting blood or having a nosebleed and feeling different kinds of pain.

"I won't go to work, Shrynae, I'll take care of you. I have already sent a message to my boss and your teacher. None of us will be leaving this house today." I took a deep breath.

Dad, what will happen to you if I'll die?


Dear Diary,
My dad didn't let me go to school because I keep vomiting blood. And I'm also too weak to get up. My dad just informed my teacher about it.

Maybe SomedayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon