DAY 008

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I entered the classroom and there was no Laune who greeted me a good morning. It feels new even though I'm still not used that Laune's greeting me "good morning". It's just that, it feels like something is missing.

"Malungkot kasi hindi ka binati ni Laune ng good morning?" Meiza teased and I glared at her.

"Ako nalang babati sayo. Good morning, Shrynae!" Shraun smiled after greeting me and I smiled at him as a reply.

"Nakakaloka. Gusto na yata ni Shrynae si Laune." Jennifer smiled at me, like she's teasing me.

"I remembered that you told me before that you like-" Before I can finish what I want to say, Jennifer covered my mouth and awkwardly smiled at Meiza and Shraun.

"May tinatago kayo sa amin? Ganyanan na pala ha." Shraun said with a sad tone. I removed Jennifer's hand and wiped my mouth using my handkerchief.

"May crush ka, Jennifer? Sino?" Shraun asked with full curiosity. He really likes Jennifer, and little did he know Jennifer also likes him.

I really want to say that they like each other. But it's not my feelings to tell, they should have the courage to confess to each other.

"Ikaw lang yata ang hindi nakakaalam niyan, Shraun." Meiza said and the three of us laugh. I saw Laune looking in our direction which made me think if he was avoiding me.

I look behind me and I immediately regret it. He's not looking at me but at Yeuna and Hreugn who are behind me.

He's experiencing puppy love right now.

Go self, convince yourself that Laune's feelings for Yeuna are just puppy love.

"Do you like Laune?" I raised my eyebrows at Jennifer. Shraun and Meiza are also looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"Why do people keep on asking me that?" Jennifer crossed her arms over her chest.

"Sino pang nagtanong sayo niyan maliban sa amin?" I glance at Kyendren and Jennifer awkwardly laugh.

"Ow. Nevermind my question, the answer is obvious anyway. You like Laune, right, Kyendren?" Kyendren nodded as a way of responding to Jennifer.

"Jennifer likes that introvert?" Shraun whispered at me.

"His name is Kyendren, not introvert," I corrected. "And don't worry, there's a big chance that Jennifer will like you," I whispered back at Shraun.

"How much percentage?" Shraun whispered again. Meiza is laughing while looking at us.

"Ninety-nine point nine percent." Jennifer glanced at us so I distanced myself from Shraun.

Someone's jealous.

"Ginagago talaga ako," I heard Shraun whisper which made me laugh.

Out of nowhere, Laune suddenly showed up. He just passed me though, like he can't see me.

"What was that?" Jennifer asked and I just shrugged.

I thought that Laune will talk to me during class hours or during lunch break, but I was wrong. He totally ignored me the whole day. He's acting like he can't see me.

Does he think that I'm a ghost? He's confusing me with his actions.


Dear Diary,
What Laune yesterday is totally opposite for today. He totally avoided me like I'm just an air. It's like for him, I didn't exist.

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