Untimly Surprise

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"I'm pregnant."

The first emotion to hit me was happiness. I'm going to be an uncle. My brother is having a child with one of my best friends. That should be good news... except I'm helping my brother fake his own death and I can't even tell his wife. It's dangerous, I get it but it's so hard.

The second emotion is sadness. I'm sad because she thinks she has to do this without Regulus. She thinks he's dead... and I know the truth. It's killing me not to tell her. Even more now.

The last emotion to hit me is guilt. If I was just there for him more, I could've prevented all of this. Him having to fake his own death, him joining the death eaters... all of it.

"Sirius? Say something..."

"I'm so happy for you! This is good news right?" I ask her.

"The timing sucks but it's good news." She replies, turning back to look at the pictures on my brothers wall.

"I'll be there for you." I say to her. "I am the babies uncle after all."

"Thanks, that means a lot." Everleigh says to me. "I haven't told anyone else.. well besides Andromeda."

"You told Drom before you told me?" I ask her.

"Yeah, sorry." She laughs. "This room is a lot like his room at Hogwarts."

"He never changes this room, besides those pictures I guess. It's been the same for years." I tell her. "I can't believe you told Drom before me!"

"Shut up." She jokingly says. "I wasn't going to tell anyone but I'm scared..."

"Of what?"

"I don't know... being here without Regulus, having our child without him."

"You'll always have me and Drom and Narcissa. James and Remus too, and Lily. You are anything but alone."

"I know." Everleigh says. "It's just- We always did everything together."

"It's going to be hard to adjust but you'll be okay." I tell her.

I have to change the subject... I do not like lying to her like this.

"We should get back down so we can leave. Did you see anything you want to take?"

"No, this room should stay as it is." She says. "I'm basically living in his dorm anyway."

"Okay." I say, throwing an arm around her as we walk out of his room. I close the door behind me and lock it with a spell. My parents aren't getting into either one of our rooms. Not without a password.

Regulus and I are the only people who know the passwords to our room, and Kreacher but he's been ordered not to tell anyone.


I walk Everleigh back to Regulus dorm and say goodbye to my cousins.

There's one more thing I have to do before I go back to the Gryffindor common room.. I have to send a letter to my brother.

There was one other person in the owlery when I get there so I grab a piece of parchment and a quill and I sat down against the wall to write the letter. The girl that's in here sees me and hurries out pretty quickly.

I write Reg a letter to tell him about how the funeral went and the news I got afterwards. I feel like he should know... at least maybe then he'll hurry up with destroying the locket thing and come home to be with his wife and kid.


So your 'funeral' was today and I'm not going to sugar code it for you.. it was rough. James and Lily both did a speech. Lily's was beautiful and James' made everyone laugh. Everleigh and I spoke too, but that was probably expected. Well more her than me but I had so say something so they don't question anything.

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