Evans & Snape

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After all of my classes and dinner, I went back to the common room to meet James before going to the astronomy tower to meet Severus. I want to make sure again that James understands that I don't like Severus that way.. that he's only a friend. I don't want things to get weird between us because of this.

"I thought you were going to the astronomy tower?" James asks when he sees me walk into the common room.

"I'm going in a minute, I just wanted to make sure you're still okay with it." I tell him.

"Evans, I trust you." He says before planting a kiss on my lips.

"You can hangout."

Another kiss.

"With your guy friends."

Another kiss.

"Because I know how you feel about me."

Another kiss.

"And I trust you."

Another kiss.

"Well, that answers that question." I say, leaning in for one more kiss before I go. "Can we meet up later?"

"Come find me when you're done and we can find something to do." James says with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lip.

"Gross!" Remus calls out from the couch.

"Don't eavesdrop and you wouldn't hear things like that." James tells his friend before giving me one more kiss.

"I'll see you guys later." I call out before leaving the common room and heading down the hall towards the astronomy tower.


I left dinner early so I could get away from Bellatrix without any questions. I know she'd have a lot to say if she knew I was trying to repair my friendship with Lily.

Waiting in the astronomy tower is absolutely nerve wracking. My heart is beating so fast it feels like it's about to jump out of my chest.

I don't even know if she's going to show up. I mean, why would she? I was horrible to her and Lily doesn't forgive easily.

I wait a little while after dinner but as more time passes, the more I start to think she isn't going to come. I was about to give up and leave but I heard someone walking outside the door and I freeze.

She came?

The door knob slowly twists and the red haired girl pushes through the door.

And everything came crashing down again.

Her smile.

Her beautiful hair.

Her contagious laugh.

Her gorgeous eyes.

Our long conversation back home.

Meeting in secret to hangout.

Everything I said to her. Every awful thing I said to her.

"Hey Sev." She says when she walks inside the room and closes the door behind her. I'm still frozen in place.

"Hey Lil." I reply. "I wasn't sure if you were coming."

"I thought about not coming because you really hurt my feelings."

"I- yeah I..."

"But the truth is... I really want to fix this because I miss you Sev."

"Really?" I ask. I couldn't get anything out. There's a million things I want to say, a million things I needed to say but I could only get a few words out.

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