The Cave

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I hand Sirius the letter and the four of them read it together while I sit in the spot Reggie and I would always read together, waiting for them to read it and respond. The butterflies in my stomach making me feel sick to my stomach.

"Wait... he- Regulus is a death eater?" Lily asks, looking up at the guys but not turning to me.

"By the sounds of it, no." James answers Lily. "It sounds like he only has the mark because he wanted to protect Everleigh."

"But he still has the mark." Lily mumbles.

"I told him my secret..." Remus mumbles.

"Guys, re read the letter if you don't understand. He's not on their side." James says. "He learned occlumency to keep your secret from the dark lord Remus."

"I guess that's true." Remus mumbles. "But that could've went horribly wrong if he couldn't learn it. Not everyone can."

"I'm sure he was trying his absolute hardest to learn it. He valued your trust." James mumbles.

Out of all of them, I thought Lily would've been the most understanding not James. James can be pretty hot headed and defensive. Sirius hasn't said anything yet and it's starting to freak me out.

I haven't said anything either. I'm too scared that they'll flip out on me for not telling them when I found out.

"We have to go and help him." James says confidently. "He needs our help and whether he wants it or not, he's getting it."

"I don't know. We don't even know where to start." Lily says.

"He's done so much to help the entire wizarding world already, we can't not help him." James continues.

"But it's too dangerous." Lily continues.

James was about to speak up and continue trying to convince them to come help Reg but Sirius spoke up before he could.

"James is right, we have to go and help him."

"Wait really?" Lily asks Sirius. "It's dangerous."

"Since when do we run from danger?" Sirius asks them. "Come on guys, he's family."

I watch as Sirius folds the letter up and puts it in his pocket and then he turns to face me. Him being the first one to look at me since they got the letter. Then he crosses the room and comes over to me. Offering me his hand, he helps me off of the ground so I'm standing in front of him.

"It must have been really hard to go through all of that on your own. Thank you for taking care of my brother when I couldn't." Sirius says before pulling me into a hug. "I appreciate everything you've done for him."

"I didn't just do it for him. I wanted to protect him of course but I did it for all of us." I tell him.

"Well now it's our turn to save him." Sirius says. "If you don't want to come, I won't blame you. It'll probably be very dangerous so no one would judge you for not coming."

No one spoke for a moment. They all looked around at each other. Lily was the first one to break the silence.

"I'm in." She says. "Regulus has been a great friend to me even when it could have done serious damage to his reputation."

"I'm in too." James says. "Like you said, he's family."

"I'm no stranger to danger so I'm in too." Remus adds, trying to make a joke out of his situation.

"Okay, then we're all in?" Sirius asks, turning to me and I nod.

"Everleigh, please tell me you know where the cave is." James says.

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