Smile Through The Pain

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I stay awake basically all night because today is the day that I'm going to meet Regulus' parents. You'd think that's a huge step in a relationship that we'd both be looking forward to but I'm terrified. I've heard so many things about his family from him, Sirius and James and none of it sounds nice. They disowned their own son just because of who he's friends with, that's so messed up.

I'm not even sure what to expect when we go. Am I walking in to a snake nest like Sirius said yesterday?

How are Reg and I supposed to make it through an entire day of classes? I can't even sleep because my mind won't stop coming up with scenarios of what might happen. There's no way I'm going to make it through one of Slughoron's classes.

I roll over in my bed for probably the millionth time and check the time on my alarm clock. It's 5:45 am.

I sigh and roll back over. 5:45 am... It doesn't look like I'm getting any sleep tonight.

I wonder if Reggie is getting any sleep. I should've just asked to go back to his room last night. Sure, it's risky to go into the Slytherin common room but I'm going to his house and I'd say that's risky. My father would not want me to go.

Turning back to the clock, I sigh once more because it reads 5:46 am.

It's only been one minute. This is torture.

I'll just go to the astronomy tower early and read. That's better than sitting here and watching the time go by minute by minute.

Quietly, I sneak out of my dorm and out of the common room. Usually no one is awake this early because if they can't sleep, they take a sleeping potion. I thought about getting one but in all honesty, I wasn't even sure that would work.

The hallways are chilly in the morning so I find myself tugging my robes closer.

I was turning the corner when I see Reggie opening the door to the tower, going inside. He's a little early.

"Hey Slytherin, shouldn't you be in bed?"

Regulus turns around so fast and then smiles. "What are you doing out of bed? It's like 6 in the morning."

"Can't sleep, and chances are it's only 5:47."

"Oh it's one of those nights, is it?" Reggie reaches out his hand for me to take it. Then the two of us head up to the astronomy tower together.

The two of us sit down against the wall by the big window so we could see the sunrise. Regulus grabs the book from where we hide it while I lay down between his legs. He reads his book out loud while I play with his rings.



"Can we skip class today?" I ask him and of course he looks at me in complete shock.

"Y-you want to s-skip class?" Reggie stutters in shock.

"Yes, I can't do it today."

"I never thought I'd hear you ask to skip class. You always tell me that we can't skip."

"It's a special occasion Regulus. I really can't go today." I say

"I don't want to go to class either so I'm good with it."

Regulus and I read a few chapters before it was time to go and meet the others for breakfast.


"Hey look, it's the couple who only comes out of their own little world to eat." James says.

"Oh please, we go out all the time." I says to him.

"Yeah, we're going out tonight." Regulus adds and I smile and give him a high five.

"You two have an odd sense of humour." Remus jokes.

"You never understand us." I whine jokingly.

"Just sit down and eat your breakfast." Remus demands and we do.

"Okay fine dad." Reggie jokes and the rest of us laugh, except Remus who just nodded his head.

"You two seem to be in an decent mood considering what you're doing later." Sirius says.

"We laugh through the pain." I say with a straight face and they all look at me like I'm crazy.

"Yeah she's not wrong. You do need to laugh through the pain sometimes." Reggie joins in with me.

"Again I say, you two are so weird." James says.

"You're not cool enough then." I tell him.

"What is with the kids these days?" James asks the other guys and they shrug their shoulders.

"He's a year older and he thinks he's a grandpa." I joke which makes Reggie laugh.

Sirius is watching the two of us joke around and pretend that we're not terrified. He doesn't say anything but I can tell by the look he's giving us, he knows we're faking it.

Smile through the pain.

That probably gave us away. Or the fact that we don't normally joke around this much this early in the morning. We're just trying to laugh the fear away.

It was time for everyone to head to class, everyone got up except us and Sirius.

"Are you three coming or no?" Remus asks us.

"Go on and I'll meet you guys in class." Sirius tells them and they go.

"Sirius-" I begin but he puts his hand out to stop me before I continue.

"Don't leave her alone in that house, don't leave her side for a moment." Sirius begins. "Don't let them say anything horrible to her, and yes I know Everleigh, you can take it but don't you dare allow them to do it."

"Sirius-" Regulus began but Sirius stopped him too.

"I'm not done Regulus. Do not let them talk you into something you don't want to do. Everleigh, you don't let him give in to them."

"I won't." I say.

"And for fuck sakes, do not do anything nasty in my room!" Sirius demands.

"Oh wow! We can't make any promises Sirius." I joke and Reggie smirks.

"You two are actually made for each other." Sirius says. "You're both evil."

"Sorry bro, but now we have to do it." Regulus says.

"Promise me you two will watch out for each other. Horrible things always happen in that house and you two are dumb enough to go there so you better look out for each other."

"Sirius, you're worrying about us for no reason. We will be fine."

"I know you two are terrified to go. You can't fool me when I know you both."

"How did you- never mind. It's fine.. we are going either way." I say.

"I know but look out for each other." Sirius says.

"We will Sirius, you're worrying for nothing. If you haven't noticed, we're pretty good at taking care of each other." Regulus says.

"I may have noticed that, yeah." Sirius says. "I have to get to class but come find me after the dinner and tell me how things go."

"Okay dad, we'll come find you when we get back." I joke.

"Are you sure you'll be awake that long grandpa." Regulus adds to my joke.

"Okay I've had enough of you two for the day." Sirius says before standing up and leaving the two of us in the great hall alone.

"Dads mad at us." I say.

"He's always mad at us."

"You're not wrong."

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