Peter Pettigrew

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Evie and I walk into the great hall to see our friends sitting at our regular table. Everything was great until I noticed that Peter was sitting with them. My shoulders tense from how pissed off seeing him sitting there with them. It wasn't until Evie gently grabbed my arm that I came back from my thoughts.

"Reg, don't even think about it. You can't go over and blow up on him right now.. not with them there. You know that."

I sigh.

"He should not be there with them Evie, he's not their friend."

"I know that love, and you know that but how do you explain how we know that?"

"I- he's going to get them hurt."

"We can do something about him but not when he's with them."

Everleigh's calm voice and her arm around me is probably the only thing that's stopping me from going over there and hexing that guy. I don't care if my brother finds out about me... as long as they aren't trusting the wrong people.

"Can I let go of you now?" She asks me.

"I won't do anything."

"Okay.. if you don't want to sit with him, we can sit at a different table."

"No, I want to sit right in front of him so he knows I'm not going to just let it go."

"Okay, you do that." She says as she laughs.

We go over to the table and I sit right across from Peter and Everleigh sits beside James.

"Aye, look who finally decided to join us this morning." Lily says excitedly. Peter looks up at Everleigh and smiles and then when he realizes I'm here, and across from him, his smile disappears.

"Sorry we're late, we were discussing our next move." Everleigh says. I notice something new in her voice.. something I've never heard from her before.

"Oh yeah? Next move for what?" Sirius asks her.

She glances over to Peter with a smirk, and then to me.

"Our engagement, of course." She continues, acting innocently.

I watch Peter as he takes a deep breathe of relief when the words engagement comes out of her mouth.

He's scared.

Good, he should be scared.

"Evie, I don't think you understand how much I love you." I say out loud. She smiles cheekily.

"What's going on with you two today?" James asks, nudging me in the arm.

"Nothing, we are just in a- in a cheeky mood." Evie says with a smirk on her face.

"That much is clear." James laughs. "But why?"

"Things just seem more... clear today." I add. "We still have questions though. We'll figure out what to do about those questions later."

"You two are so strange." Sirius adds. "I'll probably never understand you guys."

"Maybe not but you don't have to understand us."

"Whatever, as long as you're happy." Lily says.

"Oh, we're very happy." Evie says with a smirk.

"Can you two act normal again? You're freaking me out." Remus says. "I don't know what you're doing."

"Fine, fine. We'll stop being freaky.. but you should know. It's very fun."

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