The Outcome

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I wake up a little earlier than I normally would and I'm not happy about it. My eyes just opened and I couldn't even fall back asleep which sucked because I don't sleep well most nights. For a while, I just lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling with my thoughts racing.

Regulus explained to me that him and his brother are going to try and be friends again so that we all can hangout.

Part of me feels guilty because he's probably doing it because I made a big deal about wishing they could continue the day we were having. When we're all together, we have so much fun.

Part of me knows that it's not just for me. I know that Reggie wants to be close with Sirius. I know that he misses his brother and wants to be able to speak to him but it's hard for both of them. The two of them need time to break through everything that happened but they took the first step.

On top of that, today is a busy day and I'm a little nervous about what is going to happen.

I'm meeting Reggie like I always do in the astronomy tower to watch the sun rise and talk. That part I'm not nervous about, that part I'm excited for. I mean, we do it every day.

At breakfast, we will most likely see Severus come into the great hall angry and with bright pink hair. I'm partly nervous that he will get mad and tell people and if he knows it's me, that I'll get into trouble.

It's all fun and games until my father finds out about it all and I get in trouble.

He's been so worried about me and busy with trying to make sure the two of us are okay, if he finds out I'm just causing trouble, he'll be so mad.

Though, it's not like Severus didn't deserve it. He was being an asshole to Lily all because she chose to be with someone who can actually speak to her in public. I don't blame her for that and I don't see how she would want to be with someone who only keeps her a secret.

It's going to be pretty funny to see him with hot pink hair, regardless if we get in trouble or not.

After a little while of laying in my bed and trying to sleep again, I get up and start to get dressed. It's nearly time to get up anyway so I might as well just go now.

I go to my closet and grab my school uniform and robes before heading to the astronomy tower.

The halls are so peaceful in the mornings and walking through them feels so safe.

When I get to the astronomy tower, I walk up the many stairs to the room at the top and sit down against the wall by the opening. I usually am here before Regulus so when I get there and I'm alone it's not a surprise.

"Good morning Hufflepuff." I hear his over confident voice say as he enters the astronomy tower this morning.

"Good morning." I reply and smile at him as he comes over and sits down beside me.

"Are you excited for the show this morning?" Regulus sarcastically says while he smirks at me.

"It's going to be quite a show." I reply and smirk. "I just hope he doesn't know it's us."

Regulus shakes his head while smiling at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Of course you're worried about us getting caught." Regulus jokes. "Don't worry Evie. People pull harmless pranks all the time."

"I know." I reply. "I don't regret it but it's my nature to worry."

We both let out a laugh because we both know it's the truth. I always worry about everything and Regulus is the chill, laid back one who doesn't care if he gets caught or gets in trouble.

Brothers ~ A Regulus Black Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن