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Regulus and Sirius (TW: heavy subjects like feeling numb, family problems that could be triggering to some people)

Standing outside of that house brought a lot of unwanted memories back for Regulus from the night Sirius left and he was left behind.


Regulus and Sirius had been out with their mother all day because their father was having people over and had asked his mother to take them out of the house. It wasn't a horrible day, however they didn't know that when they returned home, it would be the worst day of their lives.

"Ah, welcome back children." Orion says when they return home later that day.

"How was the meeting?" Walburga asks him and he shrugs her off and ignores the question. He's staring right at Regulus and Sirius. Both of them internally freaking out and trying to figure out what they did. You see, they've seen that face before. That's the 'you're in trouble' face.

"Some of the guys at the meeting informed me on what my son has been up to while not at home." Orion says, still looking between both of his boys.

"What did they say?" Walburga asks him.

"One of our sons has befriended a muggle born girl and that blood traitor Potter's son."

Right then, Regulus knew something ugly was about to break out. He's seen it coming for weeks but hoped he was wrong. Sirius came home that summer but he wasn't the same. He would deliberately get into arguments with their father and disobey him all the time.

Regulus assumed it was just his way of rebelling before he becomes what his father wants, what both boys know they are expected to be, but now Regulus sees that's not the case. Sirius is refusing to become anything like their parents.

"Well? Anything you have to say about that?" Orion asks both of the boys.

"No, not really. Although.. your informant seems to have forgotten the werewolf I'm friends with."

Both of the boys parents stood there with disappointment written all over their faces. Regulus felt awkward and small at the moment where Sirius felt powerful and brave.

No one spoke for a very long moment and the house fell silent. Even the house elves didn't make a sound and the posters didn't dare move.

It was unheard of for someone in the Black family to befriend someone who is not pure blood, let alone someone who is what they called half breeds. Now that it had happened, no one knew exactly what to do or say.

Regulus noticed his fathers face fill with rage while his mother's face was covered in disgust towards his older brother. His older brother whom he had always looked up to for his bravery and loyalty. Regulus wanted to beg Sirius to tell them it was just a joke so that they could move on as a family and go back to the way things were. However, when he turned to his brother, all he saw in his face was determination. Regulus knew that it didn't matter what he said to his brother, nothing was stopping Sirius from doing this right here and right now. He has made up his mind.

After a lot of staring and silence, their father finally broke the silence and spoke.

"You are an embarrassment to this family and our name." Orion spoke firmly but did not bother hiding his anger which showed by the volume he spoke in. Walburga let out a small sob.

"You are so stuck in your ways that you think being friends with muggle borns and were wolves is the end of the world, but you are mistaken. They're the same as you and I except kinder." Sirius spoke bravely. His words almost sounded rehearsed which made Regulus wonder if he had planned this.

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