Tea Time With Orion & Walburga

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"Did you enjoy the tour of the house?" Walburga asks me when Regulus and I return to them.

"Yes, it's a very lovely house." I lie. It's dark and cold and needs a lot of changes. I do not like it, nor do I feel safe in it.. or at least I wouldn't feel safe if Reg wasn't here.

"Ah, I'm glad. Sit down you two before the tea gets cold." She carefully demands and we both obey her and sit.

"So, I will set up the meeting and your mother will owl you the second we know. We expect you to be on time and come alone." Orion says to Regulus.

"Yes sir." Regulus replies.

It makes me so mad that one second Regulus is spilling his heart to me and nearly in tears because of how happy he is and the second his parents come in, he's tense and cold.

"Good. You must act respectful around him son." Orion continues. "Do not embarrass or disappoint us."

"I won't, sir." Regulus dryly says.

"This family has been embarrassed and disappointed enough." Walburga adds. "So unless you would like to be disowned just like your brother, you better do as expected of you."

"Yes mother, I will not disappoint you." Regulus says.


"And I won't embarrass you."

"Good." Walburga says, both of I his parents smiling at their son who looks unbelievably unhappy.

Reggie glances at me for half a second after his mother spoke and I could tell he was ready to leave. His parents are monsters and I know I've heard the stories but I could have never imagined they were this bad. I was about to make up some random emergency so that we could leave now but before I could get a word out, his mother spoke again.

"I know you're trying to make your own decisions now because you've seen your brother and now Andromeda go against our families beliefs. Just because they did it, doesn't mean you should."

"Yes, mother. I know." Regulus dryly says before looking down at the table.

"Good. I'm glad you're at least on the right track. I hope Bella and Narcissa continue following your path."

I have to resist the urge to burst into laughter because I'm pretty sure Narcissa isn't how they think she is. I've seen a few things and heard some things from Regulus that make me think she's only pretending to be like her sister. The same way Reg is only pretending because it's what his parents want. He only wants to make his parents proud of him.

"Have you heard anything more about Andromeda?" Regulus asks his parents.

"Nothing more than she's dating a muggle born. After that, her parents are trying to keep things on the low." Walburga explains.

"Have you spoken to her since you've heard the news?" Orion asks.

"I've spoken to her a few times and I even met him the other day at breakfast. He's a decent person and she seems happy." Regulus boldly says.

"You've spoken to her and her- that guy she's choosing to date?" His mother asks angrily.

"Yes she introduced him to me at breakfast. Evie was there too."

"You both met this guy? Did you tell them how wrong it is for them to be together?" His father asks.

Regulus eyes widen and I'm pretty sure my face gave away exactly how I felt. He's her uncle.. and he's saying that shit about who she loves? I do not understand how they can treat their children like this.

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