Dear Brother,

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If you're reading this, things have probably went terribly wrong and you probably know everything  and hate me. I'm writing this in case you don't know the entire and true story.

I need you to know the full story because I don't want you to hate me. Not after everything...

So... let me start from the beginning. Please read the entire letter before you make your mind up.

I did get the dark mark... but when our parents first offered it to me, I told them I wouldn't do it. The only reason I did it was because they were threatening Evie. They said if I don't get the mark and join the dark lord, Evie would die.

She tried to fight me on it and tell me not to but I couldn't let her die because of our family. I couldn't let our family take yet another thing from me. First they drove you away and ruined our relationship for a long time and then they're threatening to kill the only girl I've ever truly loved. I couldn't let them do it.

Evie was there for me every step of the way. When things got scary, she was there. When I had to go to the meetings and pretend I'm one of them, she waited up for me in my dorm and we talked about it. Evie made things easier for me which I'm so grateful for because there were so many times I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you because I needed you but I was too scared to. I didn't want you to hate me.

Anyway, Voldemort came to me and asked me to borrow Kreacher for some secret mission which I found weird. I instructed Kreacher to come right back to me in my dorm room once Voldemort was done with him and tell me everything that happened.

Turns out, if I wouldn't have told him to do that, he would've died that night. Voldemort used him to hide something and then tried to leave him there to drown.

Luckily, Kreacher came to my dorm and he told Evie and I everything about what they did. He was hiding a horcrux there. I'm not entirely sure what that is yet but I know it's dangerous. I asked Professor Slughorn what a horcrux is and he told me that it's something that makes one immortal. As long as it's safe, that person can live forever. Once it's destroyed, they can be killed. I'm guessing Voldemort is hiding his in that cave.

I'm taking Kreacher with me tonight to that cave and we're going to destroy the horcrux. If I'm right.. once that is destroyed, we can kill him.

The only thing is... if it really does make him immortal, I have a feeling he's not going to let it sit in the cave without some defensive strategies in place. I'm not sure if I can make it out of there alive but I will make sure Kreacher at least does. One of us needs to make it to tell Evie whether we destroy the horcrux or not.

Please don't be mad at Evie for not telling you about me and everything that was going on. She was just as scared that if we told you guys, you'd be mad at me and her. That it would break everyone up. She didn't want to lose you guys and she didn't want us to fight again.

I hope you can at least try to understand my side of everything. I may have the mark on my wrist but it was never something I wanted. The only reason I got it in the first place was because they threatened Evie. After that, I was trying to figure out a way to take him down. I just wanted to help and I thought this was the best way since I already have the mark.

I'm so glad that we fixed our relationship... even if it wasn't for a long time. I've always looked up to you and all I want was for you to be proud of me. I just thought that if I could take him down, things would get better.

And I know you guys trusted me with a lot, like Remus' secret but Everleigh helped me learn occlumency so that he couldn't read my mind. I never wanted to betray you guys so learning occlumency was to protect you guys and your secrets.

One more thing... there are people that you trust who aren't on your side. People who are very close to you who have the mark. Try not to trust anyone but James, Lily, Remus and Everleigh. Everyone else... I wouldn't trust completely.

Anyway, I hope that Kreacher and I succeed tonight but if by some chance we don't, I thought I should tell you all of this so you at least know a way to fight back.

I hope you can forgive me one day..

Your brother,


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