"NO!" He yelled and Gracie looks shocked.

He cleared his thought then said "I mean, no. Didn't you just hear what I just said? I cant tell her she's with someone else now!"

"But not for long." Gracie tried to reassure him.

"What are you planning?" Tatum asked slightly scared at whatever she might say.

"Nothing bad! Look, first time relationships don't end up very long. Especially when there's some other guy that they might like and someone who they have history with."

"Like what you and Regulus have?" Tatum asked.

"NO! I mean, no. It's what you and Emmaline have! I've seen you two. The way you both stare at each other is insane. The same with how long you guys have been going on without anything really going on! "

"You really think we could be together?" Tatum asked hopefully.

"Of course! You guys are so whipped for each other!" Gracie beamed.

"Okay we're not that in-l

"Yes you are! Don't even lie!"

Tatum smiled at Grace for awhile then finally said, "So what's new with Reggie?"

Gracie blushed "what you mean? I haven't spoken to him since-"

"Since last night."

"Oh, what makes you think that?" Gracie asked in a surprised tone.

"Oh I don't know maybe that very noticeable hickey you got there." Tatum smiled then pushed off a piece of her hair back to get a better look at the love mark.

"Hey!" Gracie slapped his hand away and blushed harder.

"Don't tell anyone!" Gracie whispered angrily as she heard others coming down into the common room.

"Ahh the last weekend of our sixth year at Hogwarts! What a pleasure it may be!" Mary McDonald said as she stepped down from the stairs along with Gracie's sister and Lily.

"I just can't wait to finally graduate. Already knowing most of the material, and oh how it sucks to already be of age and to still be in school." Marlene took a seat that was very close to Mary's.

"Hey sis! How does it feel that soon you'll be seventeen and would still have to live in this hmm I don't know a place where kids may be around?"Marlene asked Grace.

"Oh stop it you've only been seventeen for five months." Lily spoke from behind.

"And that's long enough to still be older than most of you children!" Marlene proclaimed.

Gracie laughed. Her and Marlene where only eleven months apart. Every time Marlene's birthday came along, Gracie's was just right around the corner. A very close corner it may be.

"Well we must get going! Cant spend time being here all weekend with out any memories? Chop chop!" Marlene sat up and began to walk out the door.

Moments later Gracie and Tatum where back to where they were; alone.

"Well I must go upstairs I'm very tired." Gracie yawned.

"Oh yes, Merlin's know how long you've been up acting like bunnies." Tatum sarcastically said. As Gracie quickly grabbed a pillow and threw it at the brunettes face aggressively.

      ________LATER THAT DAY_________

Gracie had spent the remaining of the day in bed. Catching up in her rest that she did not get last night. During the night, Emmaline had entered the room very late.

"Did you have fun on your date?" Gracie asked as she moved onto the left side of the bed for Emmaline to sit. It took minutes for Emmaline to sit down. Still unsure if shes been wanting to sit with Gracie or not.

"Are you still mad at me?" Gracie questioned.

"No, at least not anymore. I'm more upset now, but it doesn't really matter now." By now Emmaline had finally bothered to lay down next to Gracie on the small twin bed.

"Of course it matters Em. You're feelings matters to me." Gracie persisted.

"I'm sorry for making it a bit noticeable to Tatum about your feelings towards him. I never should've done it. I-"

"It's okay Grace. There's nothing to worry about now, I'm with Conner now." Emmaline spoke out.

Gracie let her mouth drop a bit. "What? You go on with this guy for one date and that's it?"

"Hey! It was a very fun date!" Emmaline protested.

"But you don't really like him do you? At least not as you like Ta-"

"Enough with Tatum Gracie! It's never going to happen." Emmaline had snapped at Grace for the first time. It even made Gracie scared to let out another word. For her not wanting to ruin the first pure friendship that shes got.

"I'm going off to my bed now. Goodnight Grace." Emmaline spoke out quietly as she gotten off the bed and onto a new one.

Gracie let out a soft sigh then went back to sleep.

During the night Gracie woke up to a soft tapping noise to her window. She got up to go see what it is, and it turned out to be someones owl. It was quite strange to have a letter arriving to you other than in the Owlery or in the Great Hall. So, she had grabbed the letter from the grey owl thinking that the letter must've been important

She looked at the letter to see her name written in it, with Regulus's handwriting. She recognized that it was his since it matched the written words in her shared "Gone With The Wind" copy. In which she had shared with Reg at one point.

She opened the letter and read;

Dear Gracie,

I apologize for what I am about to say, but you must understand that this is for the better.

We cannot go on seeing each other. It doesn't matter if it's by an intimate relationship or either with a simple friendship. Again, this is for the better.

Maybe in another lifetime,


Gracie was in a state of shock, that she did not bother to go back to sleep.


Take Me to Church// R.A.Bحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن