War of Neytives (Review Forty-Eight)

68 3 17

Remember that the point of this review is to guide you to improvement. If you have any questions, do not before afraid to talk to your reviewer or to @ericson119. We are here to help you, not review your book and simply move on to the next one.

War Of Nevytives: pawn-of-space

Reviewer: SilentLover0224


Title/cover: 10/10

- The cover was so well design it looked like it was book you would find in a bookstore.


Blurb: 10/10

- It was so captivating that I wanted to read it immediately.


First chapter: 8/10

- I'm not sure if the book is told in 3rd person or 1st because you use both perspectives at once but it sounds very interesting.


Grammar/punctuation: 7/10

- Again, you use both perspectives so your gramnar is a tad bit wrong but punctuation overall is correct.


Vocabulary: 8/10

- You use some great descriptive words, but they sound weird in your sentences. Again, it all comes down to your perspective.


Plot/pacing: 5/10

- I can't really find your plot and I feel that you're going through your events too fast.


Originality: 10/10

- I can tell you really put your mind to it because it was very creative and well thought out it was really a good story.


Word building/structure: 6/10

- I love the way you use all of those words in names in your story, but you use Brandon's name way too much. Try to use the pronouns he, him more often, and maybe slow down your pacing of the events.


Imagery: 8/10

- You do a wonderful job balancing the showing of the story and the telling of the story.


Questions for the author:

- What do you think of the review? Did it help you improve?

- What kind of story are you going for? Tell us so we can understand you.

- What do you enjoy about writing? Tell us how it makes you feel.

- What is your writing process like?

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