Day 8: Sparks

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DAY 8: Sparks
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* Uchiha Sasuke
* Haruno Sakura
* Uzumaki Naruto
* Yamanaka Ino
* Uzumaki Karin
* Hyuga Hinata

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Era: First meet AU

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"Dobe," A raven-haired male says in an grumpy voice, along with a grumpy face, "What are we doing here?"

"Well," Said person, Dobe aka Naruto, responded, "I have picked a few girls that are from the nearby schools and in our school district to find your true love. I have picked four to five different girls for you to choose from and I know that one of them will catch your eye. Just wait!"

"Whatever, I don't need a lover," Sasuke grumbled before being placed in a comfy chair. A table in front of him then five chairs placed on the other side. Naruto was standing next to the table.

"Okay, you girls can come out!" Naruto exclaimed as one-by-one, each girl came in through the door on Naruto's side of the table and they sat down in the chairs in front of them, "Okay, from left to right is Hinata, Temari, Karin, Ino, and Sakura. So, just say your first and last name, age, school, and your future. Hinata-Chan first."

"I-I'm Hyuga Hinata. I'm 18 years old as senior of K-Konoha High School and I would like to settle down to be a house-wife."

"I'm Kazekage Temari, I am Gaara's older sister, I just turned 21 and I go to Suna university. I would like to settle to be a house-wife."

"Uzumaki Karin, distant cousin's with Naruto. I just turned 19, I go to Oto High School and I would like to have a large family."

"Yamanaka Ino, besties with Karin-Chan. I just turned 19. I went to Konoha University. I would like to run my parent's flower shop and have a large family."

"Hi, my name is Haruno Sakura. I just turned 18 as of March. I'm a senior in high school at Konoha High School. I am a part-time doctor of Konoha Hospital along with Dr. Tsunade. I would like to start my own children's clinic for children with bad history's."

"Okay, Sasuke. Immediately, which ones do you not want?" Naruto asked as Sasuke pulled his collar and whispered in his ear. The Sakura girl intrigued him the most. She already has a job unlike everyone else who just wants to settle for being a house-wife. The minute that there eye's locked, it was like sparks running through Sasuke's veins. Hopefully, Sakura felt the same way too, "Okay can everyone else but Sakura leave?"

They grumbled and was annoying to hear but they left, just leaving Sasuke in his chair and Sakura in hers', "Hey."

"H-Hi?" Sakura asks as Sasuke chuckled, motioning her to come over. She got out of her seat, very jumpy and walked over to Sasuke without any complaints, "Hai?"

"Come sit, on my lap," Sasuke says as Sakura did, then Sasuke turned her so she was more comfortable, "Okay, this may seem weird but I can feel like you are the one for me. Yes, you just turned 17 this march?"

"March 28th is my birthday, Aries as my zodiac sign," Sakura says as Sasuke chuckled and motioned her to tell him more, "The day that I was born was not a happy day for either of my parents. They were happy that they were pregnant with me but they wanted a boy so they put me up for adoption. My 'parents' did later have a boy but kicked me out of the family almost immediately. I stayed in foster-care for almost ten years until Dr. Tsunade found me and adopted me so she is my foster-mother."

"I see," Sasuke says, "Well, I'm born July 23rd, Leo is my zodiac sign. I was raised only by my mother because my father was out of the house a lot so I never really got to see him that often. I have an older brother named Itachi who I don't see often as well. I'm starting my journey off as a small-business."

"Well, Tsunade is having me take online classes to be a business women," Sakura says as Sasuke chuckled again, "Why do you keep chuckling?"

"Nothing. Nothing. May I kiss you?" Sasuke asks as Sakura blushed but nodded. Sasuke held Sakura over his lap so that way she was straddling his thighs. He placed one hand on the side of her face, cupping her cheek as Sakura put her hands around his neck. Sasuke leaned forward and pressed his lips against Sakura's then sparks flew between the two.

These magical sparks were the key to unlocked their relationship's future. And hopefully more.

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