Thirty Four Part Three

Start from the beginning

"I wonder if I could beg a few moments of your time, Laird Ferguson, after we have dined. I have a very weighty decision on my hands..... I could certainly use your advice, if I may be so bold as to ask for your help." Alfred entreated.

"Of course, Alfred, I would be glad to lend any assistance I can." James wondered at the topic the young man desired to discuss. Would it be an entreaty for his daughter's hand or was there something else weighing on the serious fellow's shoulders?

"Coffee, Alfred?" Ruthe offered and then poured, Alfred accepting the cup from her hand with his thanks.

Terese also wondered what Alfred wanted to speak to her father about, as a weighty decision did not sound like an offer for her hand. She frowned slightly as Alfred sipped from his brew.

James waited patiently as his wife carried out her hostessing duties, then he addressed Alfred in a no nonsense manner, "You have heard we must be leaving sooner than anticipated?"

"I have, my lord," Alfred looked to Terese dismally, "I shall be simply bereft without your lovely daughter's company." Alfred's eyes then sparked conspiratorially at James.

James knew Alfred was teasing the girl, as her own eyes narrowed upon her suitor, hoping he could not possibly be so dense as to not propose his suit before she had to leave him.

"Ach, well, it can not be helped, my young man, business and all...." James left his words hanging.

"Yes, I understand, business...... And all." Alfred nodded at James solemnly. He was teasing Terese and, as he had her betrothal ring in his pocket, he sought to push her a mite. He was curious to see how she would react if she thought he would simply let her go home at the end of the week, with him making no plea for her hand before it happened.

Alfred could not look at Terese and lie, jest or otherwise, so he avoided her eyes altogether and spoke to James instead, "Is all well, that you have to leave so abruptly?"

James frowned the littlest bit, "Nothing that a little investigating will not straighten out."

"Nothing too troubling, I hope." Alfred commiserated with James, darting a quick glance at the stunning, young woman sitting beside him. His lips smirked puckishly for just a second, before he returned his eyes to her father, as he saw her visage was perplexed.

Terese sat next to him in mutinous silence. She stared at the buttons on her father's waistcoat, wondering at this game Alfred played. He had teased her fondly, and often in the past, it seemed to be a great part of his nature. Yet, surely he would not tease her about something such as this....... Her eyes narrowed menacingly, as she shot a quick slide glance at him........ Would he?

James knew exactly what was going on in front of him, the young baron's eyes held a spot of mischief as his hand kept lifting and rubbing his coat pocket. James would bet half his holdings the young man was planning on proposing, the band to secure her hand residing in said pocket.

James noted his daughter's frustration and thought to enter the game himself, "No trouble that I can not take care of. 'Tis a newly acquired factory that has a problem in accounting. They have been losing money when they should not be." James continued as though Alfred were interested, "I need to go and personally attend to getting at the root of the problem before it becomes a bleeding artery."

There it was. James looked upon Terese and saw the change in her expression. That is my girl, James thought with pride.

Terese decided if Alfred were teasing her, two could play that game. And if he were not, and he really was so dense as to let her go, she would make sure he knew what he would be missing. Her thoughts showed upon her face as her eyes narrowed, her father watched as the confidence and spark rose to the surface.

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