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Taehyung POV

S-She Knows?? 

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S-She Knows?? 

Taehyung: J-Jaehee? But-

Y/n: Taehyung-ah! I know. (She spoke softly as tears glistened her eyes staring right into me)

Y/n: 8 years, (She continued softly as she held my left hand caressing the bracelet)

Taehyung: Jae, H-How did you know? 

Y/N: What did you think idiot? You would just hide all your life from me and never come back huh? You know how much I missed you and you just hid it from me even after you knew it. How pathetic. (At this rate, she was basically scolding while holding my collar as tears kept streaming down her face, and I couldn't help but just break into a smile)

Taehyung: I was gonna say it to you Jae, You literally said you hate me and don't want me in anymore in your life.

Y/N: Yes, Of course, I hate you. I still do. (She said as I pursed my lips looking down with a sad face)

Y/N: But do you know why I said that? Yow won't know! You wouldn't wanna know what's important and believe what just comes into your mind. The reason most relationships end is this.

Taehyung: What d-do you mean? (I said in a low tone as I practically scared of the look in her eyes)

Y/N: I never put anyone above you these 8 years, and by you I mean Timmy. It's always Timmy that comes to my mind always, that vibe I get around Timmy, No one gave me that. (She stated while looking into my bracelet with a small smile plastered on her face) (That's exactly how I felt around her before I even knew she was my Jaehee.)

Y/N: But when you came, and by you I mean Taehyung. I felt so attached to you, I wanted to know what's the reason behind your silence, I wanted to know how you are Sana's sibling, I wanted to know that girl from your childhood. I wanted to know why did I forget Timmy when I'm with you. I just liked you more than made me forget Timmy, What I didn't know was I just fell all over again for the same person. Yes, I realized. If it wasn't for Timmy I wouldn't have replaced Taehyung with Timmy. Only Timmy can replace Timmy. Just because I liked this 'YOU' I hated the other 'YOU'. (She explained as I listened keenly to her words before I knew I was crying.)

Taehyung: I'm Sorry Jae, I shud have said it to you before. No need no more explanations to each other. We are with each other, knowing who we are, No past burdens or longings, just a smooth path. No more ignorance, mysteries nothing. Our whole gang being best friends forever. That's all we need. (I said sincerely as I opened my arms for a hug)

Y/N: Yeah that's all we need! (She replied with a huge smile and jumped into my embrace)

(I hugged her tightly and We stayed like that for a while, No one, just us, on a rock in the middle of the woods. If this isn't what I wanted for 8 years. )

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