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Later that day

Later that day

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Jungkook POV

(As much as I loved Y/n, and Wanted to spend my life with her.. I still wanna know about her.. who is that Timmy! What does he have to do with her! A girl like her has never been in a relationship? I didn't mean to say she's a flirt or shez all over boys! It's just shez just so pretty to be left single all these days! Yoongi must know something about! Little did I know I was gonna speak to that guy alone! I even forgot we were rivals! I went to his court.. he was practicing hard! Might be for the upcoming match! Hez gonna lose anyways!)

Jk: Yo dude! (He turned to look at me.. bewilderment written all over his face)

Yoongi: Look who's here! Do I see the soccer captain in a basketball court? There's something wrong with my eyes isn't it?
(He said while dramatically rubbing his eyes and checking me again and making a shocked expression.... I always knew he was so extra! Fool)

Jk: stop with the shit yoongi! I wanna ask something important.. about y/n!

Yoongi: Yes?

Jk: who's Timmy?


(Yoongi suddenly laughed and turned back in becoming straight when he noticed jk was being serious.. )

Yoongi: Why do you wanna know?

Jk: I- I like Y/n! (he said expecting curses out of yoongi/s mouth)

Yoongi: You what? (He asked back rather calmly but an angry tone)

Jk: But I swear that's not the reason tht i wanna know about the previous guys in her life! It's just- I'm genuinely worried about her -as a best friend? (He looked down not knowing his reaction)

Yoongi: listen jungkook! I have no problem in you having feeling towards her but you have to know about Timmy! (Jk suddenly shot his head up with curiosity about Timmy)


JK: So, they parted ways so Timmy can be safe but both of them ended in depression? They really need each other don't they?

yoongi: Of course they do.. But what I thought was all y/n is facing right now due to her anxiety and that will end if timmy comes back but I am wrong! (he said putting his head back and massaging his temples)

jk: What? but why?

yoongi: Its too late! Shes too disappointed in him! he never met her or even tried contacting her! she thinks the effort is only from her side and that he has already forgotten her! she thinks if she had moved on too she wouldn't have faced so much stress in life! well that's what she thinks! but no! timmy has equally went through all these stages in his life worse than her! but she wont listen to me if I try to explain this to her!

JK: how do you know Timmy went through those? do you perhaps know him?

yoongi: (he chuckled bitterly) We all know him!

JK: Including me? (he said pointing at himself like they were around a ghost)

yoongi: Yes! its Taehyung!

Jk: WHATT? TAEHYUNG? (He blinked continuously shaking his head not believing what he just heard)


Jk: Wow! Now their life feels like a Neverland! Straight out of Harry Potter! (laughing in disbelief)

Yoongi: Exactly! Thats how Sana and I met after all these!

Jk: Ohh! Do they perhaps have feelings for each other!

Yoongi: I'm not sure if Y/n has feelings towards Taehyung but she definitely has feelings towards Timmy! She had him in his mind all long which leads to the reason she has never been in a relationship! Taehyung definitely likes Y/n.. even before he knew she was Jaehee! He Liked Jaehee before but destiny making him fall for the same person all over again without them knowing!
But now that she is dissappointed in him I'm sure there's someone new running on her mind!

Jk: I don't wanna say this but I won't be so selfish to assume that new someone on her mind should be me!

Yoongi: (he started laughing)
Don't worry! It's not being selfish! We all need our crush's crush to be us!

Jk: She's not my crush! I love her!

Yoongi: What if that's not you!?

Jk: Everyone doesn't get to be together with their first love! I am not a psycho who's gonna force myself on her! I just hope if that someone is taehyung! Then it will perfect like made for each other! It'll take time to move on! It'll hurt seeing her with someone but I'll still flirt with her like always!

Yoongi: You are unbelievable you know? Still flirt with her- my god! Make sure it's behind Taehyung's back! ahh If all the guys she rejected were this good to her!!

Jk: Why?

Yoongi: She's faced hundreds of jerks in her life!

Jk: It's Y/n anyways! She will handle them single-handedly!

Yoongi: Exactly! Do you plan to confess?

Jk: Soon! Just let her know! I won't even ask for an answer! (he said while shrugging)

Yoongi: don't do that! What if it's you!

Jk: No! It'll be taehyung! I'll be happy if it's him! It better not be Jackson! I'll kill both of them!

Yoongi: I hate that guy! Now that we all are together in my house! His tail has grown longer!

Jk: yea- oh wait! You are with Sana! Do u share a room? {he asked with a smug expression followed by a smirk}

Yoongi: What the fvck! I sleep alone! ( he cursed angrily tossing the ball into the basket)

Jk: just Joking! Omg look at that blush i- you get shy! Eww!

Yoongi: shut up! It's just too hot in here! (He removed his jersey)

Jungkook: that's because the hottest soccer captain is here!

Yoongi: Leave my court before I choke and die!

Jk: As if I want to stay! But before I leave, Tell me about Sana moving into your lives after Taehyung left! How did they end up as siblings!??

Jk: As if I want to stay! But before I leave, Tell me about Sana moving into your lives after Taehyung left! How did they end up as siblings!??___________________________________________

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💜💜💜lubbb youu!! 💜💜💜

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