A Pissed Day!

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Yoongi Pov

(I was at my lockers keeping my practice clothes, when I heard the locker next to me close with bang!!, who dares to do that next to the captain huh? I turned to look at the person with an annoying expression, ouk- it was y/n! Of course it's the b...

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(I was at my lockers keeping my practice clothes, when I heard the locker next to me close with bang!!, who dares to do that next to the captain huh? I turned to look at the person with an annoying expression, ouk- it was y/n! Of course it's the brat this early in the morning pissed af! Wonder what happened tho!

Yoongi: yo dummy! Mind telling me about that look on your face huh?

Y/n: Don't call me that! Only Taehyung calls me that!

(I- okay! But it sounded like-
"stop calling me Jaehee! Only Timmy calls me that"
I mean I was the one who gave her the name as jaehee when we were little, but during that stage she told me to stop calling her that as soon as he left her! And now- I totally have called her a dummy before cuz shez one! Now it's fr taehyung! )

Yoongi: okay but why are you looking pis-

(She literally walked away taking her books not even sparing a glance at me)

Yoongi: You know I'm older than you and don't deserve such disrespect!

(She turned to look at me and rolled her eyes before entering into her class)

(And that's why I hate her)

Taehyung pov

At the lecture hall

(Thinking why y/n is still not at the hall as it's time and- here she is)

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(Thinking why y/n is still not at the hall as it's time and- here she is)

Ms Hwang: Why are you late ms Min?

Y/n: I was at the soccer ground! (She said totally bored)

Ms Hwang: Is that my problem?

Y/n: Did I blame you? (Duh! That Ms attitude)

(The teachers gasp and the students making weird roasting noises making the teacher humiliated, now this-it won't lead somewhere nice)

Y/n: Can you all just stop!? (She shouted and the whole class zipped themselves)

Ms Hwang: Is that how you speak? That's the reason you got expelled-

Y/n: you are overreacting Ms Hwang, I just was here a minute late!

Ms Hwang: do you have your late permit slip Ms Min?

Y/n: What's that shit?

Ms Hwang: mind your words before going to reception to collect your late slip from Ms Byun. After which you'll sit in my class!

Y/n: Damn those Bloody rules!
(With that she left)
(This dumbhead could have said a sorry and entered without making any fuss but  her attitude ass won't calm the freak down will it-)

Y/n pov

(I was on my way to the reception to collect what ever that shit I've had enough

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(I was on my way to the reception to collect what ever that shit I've had enough.. But looking at whatever going on here i-)

Jaehyun: You look absolutely stunning when you smile sweetheart!

Ms Byun: Aww stop your making me blush!

Jaehyun: Damn those chubby cheeks with that pink tint, I won't be able to hold myself from kissing you anymore !!
(The school playboy flirting with our receptionist! Cringe!!)

Ms Byun: babe leave, you are being too much of a distraction to my work!

Jaehyun: I'll leave but I might want that late slip before my teacher snoozes me off u know?

Ms Byun: it's here for you! I'll give you one everyday! Have it!
( so all the flirting was for the slip
Mr jaehyun) (she handed him the slip and he turned to leave)

Jaehyun: oh hey there y/n!
(I just rolled my eyes and poked my tongue to my cheek in annoyance)

Jaehyun: Why so cold huh? BTW you look hot in that expression! (He said winking at me and leaving making me furious)
(I then turned to Ms Byun, who was looking at her computer!)

Y/n: I might want that late slip too you know?

Ms Byun: it's not something everyone gets, do you have a letter signed from your guardian excusing yourself for your late!

Y/n: I might not have that but I do surely know where Mr byun's class is!

Ms Byun: what do you have to do with my husband!?

Y/n: Don't worry Ms Byun! I promise not to report the session with you and Jaehyun a while ago!

Ms Byun: Y-you saw that?

Y/n: i-i definitely saw that! (I said mocking her tone)

Ms Byun: please don't say that! Here have this! I beg you keep it a secret!

Y/n: Likewise!

Y/n: Likewise! --------------------------------------------------------------

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💜💜💜💜  Borahaeeee💜💜💜💜

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