Nerve wrecking

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Taehyung POV

At the class

Taehyung: Why do you look mad y/n?

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Taehyung: Why do you look mad y/n?

Y/n: Mind not talking until I talk back, I'm thinking something!!
(I just hummed and turned back to the teacher)


Y/N: Come let's go to the café...

Taehyung: But you said only yesterday!

Y/N: Please just come!

Taehyung: Alright!
(I didn't want to argue any further since she was already in a bad mood I just decided to agree to it! )


At the cafeteria

Jungkook: Honey please!! U know I didn't mean it!

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Jungkook: Honey please!! U know I didn't mean it!

Y/n: You might not have meant it jungkook, but it's a fact you know!?

Namjoon: Jungkook? When did you start calling him by his real name?

Y/n: We aren't close, it's not appropriate for us to give each other nicknames! Listen jungkook, we've known each other for how long? Less than a month! So i should not have spoken like that.. I can't control your decisions can I?

Yoongi: Yah bunny! What did you do to my brat?

Jungkook: I didn't say nothing!

Y/n: Yea he didn't! But Maybe I won't interrupt in his life later on!

(Meanwhile Jackson on the next table smirked eavesdropping the entire conversation)

(Though the basketball guys were rivals they were still worried about these 2's friendship and persuaded them to speak but Y/N wouldn't budge!)

Lisa: Oppa can I join y'all please!! (She suddenly popped Outta nowhere making puppy eyes and pouting at Jungkook making y/n and the rest of the boys cringe)

(Jungkook didn't reply and just shrugged)

Lisa: Omggg! I'll take that as a yes. (She squealed and sat next to him clinging on his arm)

Y/n: He never said yes! Yah how could you just let her?

Jungkook: I thought you wouldn't interrupt?

Y/n: Wow! Fine then! Enjoy with the bitches! I'm off!
(She angrily stomped her feet and everyone expected her to leave the café instead she joined Jackson's table making everyone pissed)

(All seven looked at each other and gave a mischievous smirk high-fiving each other under the table- Yo the boys are up to something!)

What's that?

(A/n: I would end the EP here but this-NO read!!)

Y/n's POV

At Jackson table

Jackson: Yo Y/n sup!

Y/n: Umm hey! Mind if I join y'all?

Jackson: Our pleasure! Btw Why are you here? Is there a problem?

Y/N: nope! I just wanted to have a shift in my atmosphere!

Jackson: Aight!! Help yourself! We've ordered a lot than we eat!

Y/n: oh thanks!
(I turned at that table with complete anger and wait- there was only Lisa right? And now I see Jennie next to Yoongi, Momo next to Taehyung, Rosé next to Jimin, Joy next to Hoseok! Wait are these B*tches really going to take each guy of my gang and push me out? that Ain't happening slvts! )

Jackson: Where are you going

Y/n: Sorry, I have some work to do! I'll make it up to you soon!
Wait!! Jennie just returned from the treatment! Is she going back there? Awwww poor bish! (Evil smirk)

Y/n: Sorry, I have some work to do! I'll make it up to you soon!___________________________________________Wait!! Jennie just returned from the treatment! Is she going back there? Awwww poor bish! (Evil smirk)

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💜💜💜💜Lubb youuu💜💜💜💜

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