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"was there a way
to save myself
while saving
you too"

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As the days went by, they had finally figured out who the female Titan was. They decided to try and capture her but first they needed a plan. So that's what has happening, Erwin was telling Eren, Levi, Mikasa, Jean, Eris, and Hanji his plan.

"The day after tomorrow we'll be passing through Stohess district in route to the capital, that's when we'll strike. It'll be our first and only chance to do so. Once we've set foot in the interior the government will assume custody of Eren and the scouts authority to continue operations will be limited. Thus unless we wish to concede defeat we must flush out the enemy now." Erwin stated waiting for Eren to nod so that he could continue. Once Eren did he continued on telling everyone his plan.

"So here's what we do, while in stohess we use Eren as bait luring the target into this underground passage the deeper the better, get her well beneath street level. That done, she should be easily immobilized even in Titan form. If she transforms before reaching the tunnel then at that point she'll be your responsibility Eren." He finished.

"Right so we know she'll be in Stohess there's no chance she'll bolt before we get there?" He asked.

"No she won't risk it." Erwin answered Erens question.

"Wait you mean she's-" he was cut of by Erwin, "Armin here identified her, she's an MP. Likely responsible for the deaths of Hanjis tests subjects and a fellow trainee in the 104 cadet corps."

"You can't be serious, I trained with her?!" He exclaimed.

"We all did Eren." Eris spoke up. She now had to act as if she was as worried as them because if not she would've gotten caught.

"I'm sorry but yes she's one of us." Erwin apologized.

"No it can't be." The boy whispered.

"Her name is Annie Leonhart." Erwin told.

"You think it's Annie? Where's...where's your evidence, tell me?" Eren asked not believing that it was her.

"Obviously the female Titan knew what you looked like before she attacked. Plus she reacted to my use of your suicidal maniac nickname something only our class mates would know but, the biggest reason I suspect her is that I have strong reason to believe she's the one who killed Sawney and Bean." Armin told the confused boy.

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