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"pounding more and more
ill give it
you can take my heart"

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Eris was currently doing her stable duty. Eren was also put on stable duty as well. For some reason ever since the day when he plugged up the wall, he was drawn to her. Of course he had a tiny little crush before but this was even bigger. Every time she would pass by in the halls he would stare and anytime they were together he wanted to be near her. Recently his thoughts were filled with her.

"Eren, you're not doing it right you have to sweep the hay like this." The girl sighed before going over to him. She put her hand on his to show him how to sweep when a zap went through her fingers all throughout her body.

"Ow!" The two both shouted out at the same time.

"Y-you felt it too?" Eren wondered curiously.

"How could I not I feel like I just got electrocuted." Before they could continue their conversation the two were interrupted by someone.

"Hey! You're the girl who was carrying that boy the other day!" The two turned to face the voice and it just so happened to be Squad Leader Hanji. Next to her was Squad Leader Mike and Moblit her assistant.

"Oh y-yes squad leader Hanji."

"Relax, you can just call me Hanji. Anyway I was told that I would find you here."

"Why, did you need me to do something?"

"Nope just wanted to tell you that you're now apart of my squad, orders from the Commander."
To this Eris's eyes widened. Hanji was one of the top soldiers so being put in her squad was a really big thing. Only the best of the best were out in the top soldiers squads.

Eren on the other hand was proud and excited for the girl. He was proud that she was skilled enough to be put in one of the top squads and excited that he would see her more often. Levi's squad and Hanjis were always working together so this meant that he would get to see more of her.

"Well, I'll be off. Eren when you two are done show her her new sleeping quarters. I'll see you two later for dinner." With that they left and the two younger scouts were left alone in the stables once again.

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Earlier that day, Commander Erwin had called Hanji into his office for some reason unknown to them.

"You called?" They questioned as soon as they stepped into Erwins office. Mike was also there for some reason.

"I added a person to your squad." Erwin told as he handed Hanji a paper. On it showed the name of a girl who was being put into their squad.

They read over it and noticed that she had graduated top of her class, already had 10 Titan kills, and was the same girl who calmed Erens Titan down that day in Trost.

"WHAT! TEN TITAN KILLS ALREADY?!" They yelled out in surprise.

"Yup. Crazy right?"

"Uh yeah. Levi better watch out before she takes his place." Hanji chuckled.

"Mhm anyway I also put her there because since the Titan boy is in Levi's squad and you're squad is always with his, I want to see what experiments you can do with Eren and her." Erwin explained going into further detail about why he put her in Hanjis squad.

"Alright well I'll go tell her that now." They then left.

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It was now dinner and something had caught Eris's eye. They're sitting at a couple of tables away from hers and Sasha were Commander Erwin and Squad Leader Mike.

"They're both just so wow." She sighed out dreamily.

"Who's so wow?" Jean questioned as he sat down next the the girl.

"Commander Erwin and Squad Leader Mike." Eris said dreamily as she looked over at their table and then quickly looked away before either of them could catch her staring.

"Ew Eris they're like twice your age." Connie told as he sat down across from her.

"Age is just a number." Eris stated with her head on her palm. She still had dreamy looking eyes.

"You're so gross o swear you get weirder and weirder everyday, I guarantee you that in a week, you'll be saying the same thing about Captain Levi."

"Oh Captain Levi he's just so..."

"Eris snap out of it you weirdo." Sasha told her as she looked up and noticed that the commander was walking towards their table.

"Haha look the Commaders on his way here Eris."

"What oh my gosh how do I look, do I look good." Eris panicked as she turned to Jean.

"You always look good Eris now chill out."

"Hello scouts." Erwin greeted. He made his way over towards their table because he needed to have some paper work filed and decided to make some of the new recruits do it.

"Hello commander sir." "Hi commander." Eris waved with a smile.

"I've got something that needs to be filed, would any of you like to do it." Erwin stated.

"Eris will." Connie told before giggling.

"Yup she'll be glad to do your paper work commander." Sasha added giggling as well.

"I- what." Eris stuttered.

"Great then it's settled, Eris follow me." He smiled before he started to walk off.

"I'm going to murder you all when I'm done." Eris huffed before following the Commander.

"Yeah sure you will, have fun." Jean waved.

Needless to say, the girl did have fun doing Commander Erwins paperwork. He talked to her almost the whole time and even let her borrow one of his books when she was done with his paperwork.

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