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"together we'll

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It was finally the night that the cadets were going to choose their regiment. They all stood with their hand over their hearts, saluting the Commanders.

"Good evening I am Erwin Smith, commander of the survey corps also know as the scout regiment. Today you will choose your regiment. Let's cut to the chase here the scouts need you, we need all the warm bodies we can get. After the recent Titan attack, you now know the horrors of which they are capable. As well as the limits of your own skill. However this battles aftermath gave humanity a new chance for victory, I refer to Eren Yaeger. After selflessly risking life and Kim he has proven beyond the doubt his unwavering loyalty to our cause. Hope lives in him." Commander Erwin went on. At this point Eris stopped paying attention, that man could talk.

"However still wishes to put their life on the line and join us remain here but first ask yourself, can you give your heart?! Can you give everything for humanity?! That is all, those wanting to join other regiments are dismissed." With that, the people who didn't want to join the scouts left.

Turning, Eris saw that a good handlfull of people were still there, amongst them were her friends. To this she smiled.

"I ask you, if you were ordered to die could you do it?" Commander Erwin asked. Someone in the crowd answered his question.

"Of course, let us hope you don't then. You who stayed you are now one of us allows me to welcome you to the scout regiment! This is a genuine salute soldiers. Together we give our hearts!" He told as he saluted to which the new scouts saluted back.

"Sir!" They yelled as they saluted back.

"Wow we did it!" Eris whispered as she looked over to her friends.

"Those of you standing here have worked through your fear. You have proven yourself courages each one of you has my respect." With that, the commander was off.

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A day had passed since they became scouts and Eris decided to go to the infirmary to go check on Marco. When she got there, she noticed that he was awake, reading a book that she had left him. He was asleep for a while so him finally being awake put a smile in her face.

"Marco you're up, how do you feel?" The girl asked as she walked over to him. He looked up and smiled at her.

"I feel great, and you?" He told still smiling.

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