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"actually im pretty confident
i don't play a losing game

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They had finally made it out of the forest and kept going until they found a good place to take a rest.

Eris trotted over towards her friends, smiling after she noticed that they had all lived. She then helped them with the bodies as they put them in the cargo carriages.

"Eris you're ok!" Bertholdt sighed out in relief as he made his way over towards the girl. He knew that she was in the forest when Annie called out to the Titans so he was worried that she would get hurt, but there she was alive. They conversed for a little while until Eris made her way over to Armin and Jean to help them with the bodies.

"This is the part of our job I'll never get used to." Jean sighed as he placed down a body into the carrier after he greeted Eris.

"You're not alone in that." Armin agreed.

"Seems like deaths just everywhere, all I can think about is how it'll end, which one of us is next and whether it'll be me." Jean stated.

"Try not to obsess over it. Only that train of thoughts good for is breaking you're nerve believe me, push it out if you're mind." Armin said to the taller boy.

"Yeah Jean, we're going to be fine don't worry we'll all make it out alive in the end." Eris butted in.

"I suppose you two are right." Jean told before going off to another body. Eris then walked over to where Connie and Sasha were, feeding their horses.

From what she heard, they were also talking about what Jean and Armin were talking about. Eris wished that they would stop worrying about everything but she knew that they couldn't. They had not seen their future unlike her who had.

After finishing up and recounting, they then continued on their journey home. Their peaceful journey was interrupted though by Titans who came running after.

"HEADS UP WEVE GOT COMPANY""SERGEANT!" Two soldiers yelled as they sped towards the others with two Titans on their trail.

Eris looked back and saw two men that seemed like they were leading the Titans straight to them, in fact that's what they were doing. Eris rolled her eyes at this, how stupid could they be.


"FULL SPEED ALL SOLDIERS!" Commander Erwin instructed.

They had to throw the bodies over board to save themselves because Titans were gaining on them.

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Finally after their deadly journey, they had made it back into the walls after their deadly journey beyond them. Citizens screamed in their faces and yet still the scouts went on. After being defeated, they still went on.

Finally they made it back to the headquarters. Eris couldn't wait to take a shower wanting to rub of all the dirt off of her.

"Look at that, you survived your first mission, I'm so proud!" Hanji smiled throwing an arm around Eris trying to light up the mood as the two finished putting their horses away.

"Ha yeah I guess I did." Eris smiled back looking up at her squad leader. Over the past few days, the two had grown closer due to Eris being put as a member of Hanjis squad.

They got along fairly well, Eris loved listening to Hanjis Titan stories and would help them with their research sometimes when they asked.

The girl didn't just grow closer with her own squad though, she also started to build a relationship with Captain Levi's squad as well. This was because of Levi and Hanjis squad working together during training.

She even built a relationship with The Levi himself. Like Moblit the girl was seen around Hanji a lot. Hanji was around Levi a lot so obviously she introduced the two. Before she introduced them though, Levi had caught Eren always staring at the girl. He figured that the boy had a crush on her or something.

Levi enjoyed the girls company because she didn't bother him. She was also surprisingly good at cleaning. One thing he didn't like was that she would encourage Hanjis crazy antics. Eris did this because she loved chaos and Hanji was quite chaotic. That's probably why they got along so well.

"Leave the poor girl alone four eyes." Levi told as he smacked the back of Hanjis head.

"I'm surprised you're alive, I thought that you were for sure Titan bait." He turned to the girl.

"Uh thanks..?" Eris wasn't sure if what he said was a compliment or not but didn't let it get to her. She knew that, that was just the way he showed he cared. With that, the three went off on their own ways.

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