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"i don't want to wake up,
my daydream daydream."

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One of the many things that was weird about Eris was that her dreams came true. Like wishes from shooting stars, Eris's dreams always came true.

Currently her dreams had been littered with a boy she had never seen before. One that was completely foreign to her.

He had the prettiest blueish green eyes she had ever seen, that were filled with life. Unlike her dull chocolate brown eyes. His were beautiful. He was beautiful. In her dreams he had always worn a smile. One that seemed to always brighten up her day. Lately she had been going to sleep rather early, just to be able to see him in her dreams.

The only thing she knew was how he looked, she never knew of his name or where he was from, which was what she was going to ask tonight in her dream.

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You see in her dreams it looked as if he was a memory of hers. Which was weird because like I said before, she had no clue who this boy was.

In her dream she woke in a grassy area. Looking to her left she could see the boy, fast asleep. She decided to disturb his slumber and shook him awake.

"Uh stop it I'm trying to sleep." The boy mumbled as he pushed her hand away.

"Wake up." Eris poked at him.

"Ugh wha- who are you?!" The boy stuttered confused.

"Who am I? Who are you?" The girl questioned.

"I'm uh Eren who are you and why are you in my dream." The boy introduced himself still very confused.

"Your dream, you're the one who's always in mine!" Eris exclaimed.

"What in the world are you even talking about, I don't even know who you are."

"Neither do I and yet still you're always in mine."

"Hmm what do I do in your dreams?" Eren asked out of curiosity. It wasn't everyday some random girl showed up in his dreams. In fact this was one of his first dreams that were normal. Usually they were nightmares that were filled with Titans. This caused him to relax.

"I don't know you're just there laughing and stuff or like doing normal things I guess." Eris told looking away from him.

"Alright well then what do we do now?"

"I don't know but it's probably time for me to get up so uh I'll see you again I guess." The girl waved as she became dust.

"Wait you never told me your name."

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With that the girl jolted up. She turned over to her alarm and saw that it showed that it was 6:30 am. Quickly she jumped up from her bed and got ready. She ran out the door and just as she got there, Porco and Marcel were there waiting for her.

"Ah right on time Risy." Porco commented as he threw his arm around her like he normally did.

"I told you to stop calling me that Porky." She told as the two walked in sync.

"Yeah we'll I told you to stop calling me that as well so I guess we're even."


"Gosh you guys fight so much it gives me a headache." Marcel stated with an eye roll as he rubbed his temples.

"She/he started it." The two said at the same time.

"Jinx." The two once again said at the same time. This caused Marcel to roll his eyes again as he made his way to walk next to Eris.

"So you still having those weird dreams?" Porco asked. The two boys were the only ones who knew of her weird dreams that she always seemed to have.

"Yeah but last nights was so much weirder." She told as she explained the dream. Once she was done, they made it to the training grounds.

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The training went fine and now it was finally lunch. Eris finally noticed that while she was rushing out of her house, she forgot to make her lunch.

"I knew I was forgetting something!" The girl exclaimed as she face palmed.

"What happened?" Marcel asked concerned.

"I forgot my lunch again."

"Ha loser sucks to suck." Porco teased.

"Shut up Pock." The girl shoved the taller boy.

"Um uh Eris you can uh have some of mine." Bertholdt stuttered with a blush.


"Uh yeah sure." Beside him Reiner snickered. Almost everyone knew about Bertholdts huge crush on Eris. He was absolutely head over heals for her and she was just completely oblivious.

"Thank you thank you thank you! Bertholdt you're an angel sent from above!" The girl tackled the fluster boy into a hug. The two then sat next to each other and ate his lunch besides Reiner who ate his.

From the corner of her eye, she could see Porco and Marcel giggling as she sat with Bertholdt. She wondered what was up but decided to leave it and continue to eat Bertholdts food.

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