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"the door to all the secrets
has opened baby"

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Suddenly the cannons were shot from every direction. Annie's Titan was covered in hundreds of pins that punctured through her. To Eris this looked extremely painful. She felt bad for her friend and probably would've warned her about it if she knew what was going to happen.

Eris was scared for her friend, if only she had remembered then Annie might've not been in this situation. Erwin then spoke up again.

"SECOND AND THIRD WAVES FIRE!" Annie then got shot by many more pins. Eris knew that now her and the warriors had to be way more careful about their mission.

Of course, she didn't want to continue it but she still didn't want her or her friends to be killed. All they wanted to do was go back home and now she knew that they might not ever get back to Marley.

The girl missed her friends. She missed Zeke. She missed Pieck. She missed Porco. Oh Porco. Eris tried to not think about him that much. She was afraid to face him and break the news about Marcel to him. Still the girl had to go on.

"Isn't this amazing!" Hanji gleamed as they put an arm around Eris.

"Y-yeah totally." The girl stuttered nervously.

"What's wrong?" They asked wondering what was up with the girl. They didn't think that Eris's behavior was supscious though, they thought that she was probably just tired from it being her first mission and all.

"My ears hurt, the cannons are really loud but I'm fine." Eris answered her elder. It was true her ears did in fact hurt but she was more nervous for Annie then anything.

"Alright, next time we shoot, make sure you cover your ears ok?" They told before Erwin screamed fire again.

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"Poor thing. Can't so much as bat and eyelash can we? Must be terribly frustrating. Get used to it my dear. Biology can often times be a curse," Hanji told before going on, "case and point the more your wounds heal the stiffer your joints become." They chuckled.

Eris stopped listening at this point not wanting to hear Hanji mock her friend. She then looked up to see Captin Levi and Squad Leader Mike strike down onto Annie, only for their blades to be broken by Annie's ice hands.

Before they could fire again, Annie let out a tremendous screech. One that would make all the surrounding titans go to her. Eris had remembered hearing it back in Marley during their missions together. This was Annies escape plan.

"Oh no." Hanji muttered as they heard the sound of Titans running through the forest.

Suddenly Titans from all directions came and surrounded Annie. This is when Erwin yelled out orders again.


Immediately Eris flew down but before she could do any real damage, Erwin yelled out another set of orders.

"ALL HANDS WITHDRAW! REDEPLOY THE FORMATION! RETURN TO KARANES DISTRICT!" He yelled after seeing that it was no use and that they would have to leave before more of the scouts were killed.

"Eris," Hanji called as they walked over towards the younger girl, "come on let's go." They nudged before flying down to their horse. Eris followed behind. She got on her horse, like the rest and followed Squad Leader Hanji and Commander Erwins lead as the rode on the path that led out of the forest.

"Erwin why bother having her replenish. There's no time?" Hanji pushed.

"We saw the female Titan get eaten. Did we actually see the person inside suffer the same fate? I didn't." The man stated. To this Hanji gasped.

"You mean...-" Hanji started before they were interrupted by Erwin. "Yes. Your hypothesis is correct, this isn't over we're dealing with someone like Eren. Someone who regenerates in and out of Titan form. Suppose that person equipped themselves with ODM gear in advance. Suppose further that they're also disguised in one of our uniforms, what would their next move be?" He explained.

He then continued, "When the Colossal Titan breached the wall and disappeared theoretically, whoever was inside had ODM gear they could've used it to escape before the steam cleared. It's possible the same thing happened here."

"I don't see how sir, based on Erens condition when he emerged from Titan form I think it's safe to assume that something like that is highly unlikely," they told before going on, "his equipment was broken, parts of his uniform were missing, more importantly Eren was so spent he couldn't even stand on his own two feet without assistance." Hearing this, Eris pitied them. They were so oblivious to Titans and knew basically nothing about Titan shifters.

"The female Titans ability to summon reinforcements was unlike anything we've encountered before. Our failure to anticipate that factor costs us the operation. Evidently, there are different levels of mastery to the Titan ability, we're nieve to think that a novice like Eren would set the standard. If we're to stop this enemy, it's clear now that we'll need to broaden our way of thinking." Now Eris was confused. Why was she there hearing all of this. Was she really not seen as a threat. Why would they say all of this, in front of so many people that could be working with Annie. She let it go though and continued to follow the Commander through the forest.

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