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"let's meet again
one of these nights"

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The five cadets finally made it to Paradise. They walked until night when they decided to take a break and set up camp.

Marcel sent Annie and Eris off to find fire wood while he and the other boys set up camp.

Right when Annie and Eris made it back, a Titan emerges from the ground. It goes for Reiner but Marcel pushes him away and takes his place. The four watch as the Titan brutally eats Marcel alive.

They were paralyzed there in fear as they watch the Titan turn and run off. Bertholdt was the first to speak up as he ran over to Reiner. Eris still looked out to where the Titan had run off to.

"What happened?" Bertholdt asked once he made it to Reiner.

"Marcel he-he that T-Ti-Titan a-ate him" Reiner answered still in shock.

"Let's head back." Annie told as she started to walk off to where they came from. As she walked she nudged Eris to try and get her to move but Eris was still frozen looking out in the direction the Titan had gone in.

"W-wait" Reiner stuttered which caused Annie and Bertholdt to turn around to face him. 

"If we go back now they'll definitely kill our families and we'll be banished from Marcel" Reiner continued. Bertholdt made his way over to Eris to try and get her out of the trance she was in.

Annie looked off taking Reiners words in before agreeing to go with his plan, "Alright, but if any of you die, I'm going home." Annie stated before walking over to where Bertholdt and Eris were to try and help him get Eris out of her trance.

"Thank you." The boy thanked getting up and going over to where the rest were.

Seeing her best friend die right in front of her took a huge toll on Eris. So huge that she eventually passed out.

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Like before, her eyes glowed a bright white. While she was passed out, she woke up in an unknown place that was filled with sand.

Looking over she saw Nova and a girl she had never seen before. The girl looked like she went through hell, while Nova was smiling brightly at Eris.

"Eris! Are you good!?" Nova asked as she tried to get the girl attention.

"Where-Where am I?" The girl questioned as she continued to look around at the sand, paths, and stars.

"That doesn't matter right now, what matters is that you're here, oh isn't this great, this is one of the gifts the mind Titan posses. Now I know that that this is a lot to take in but you've gotta go back to your friends alright."

"I- how?" The girl asked still very confused.

"Here." The unknown girl that stood beside Nova, reached out her hand and placed it on top of Eris's head. This made Eris go back to sleep and wake up back in Paradise.

The three warriors huddled around Eris trying to get her to wake up when they were suddenly flown back when Eris sat up out of nowhere.

The girl gasped as she woke up out of breath. Bertholdt quickly rushed besides the girl and handed her his water. She quickly took it and gulped it down to calm her thirst.

"Eris are you ok!?" Bertholdt asked worried for her as he rubbed her back. She hadn't been out that long but it still scared him, he didn't want to lose another friend, especially not her.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine I'm good." The girl spit out as she finally calmed down.

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"How are you holding up?" Annie asked as she sat down by Eris who was looking out in the distance.

"I don't know I mean yes I'm sad that one of my best friends died but I know that he's finally free, he's in a better place now." The girl answered. She had seen him die while looking into the future and made it her mission to help him live his last few days to the fullest.

"Wow I thought you'd handle this way worse." The blonde girl added surprised.

"There's no point in crying over spilt milk. Of course I'm sad and mad but I'll mourn him after we get this stupid mission over with." When she first saw the future, she was a mess. Seeing him be brutally mauled was horrifying, she thought that it couldn't get worse until she saw it in real life. He was like a brother to her and seeing him being eaten alive made her perspective on things change.

It was Marley who turned those Eldians into Titans and so it was Marleys fault that Marcel got eaten and they lost the jaw Titan. At least that's what she told herself to keep her sane.

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