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"in this universe
it's not a coincidence
that ive met myself"

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Two weeks had passed and today was finally the day when the cadets would become holders of the Titans.

The girl was confident that she would become the holder of the mind Titan, she was just worried about which one of her friends would have to stay behind.

If she was being honest, she didn't want Porco to become the holder of the Armored Titan. She wanted him to stay safe in Libero while the rest were on their mission, that way when they would come back home, he'd be there to greet them after their successful mission.

Over the past weeks leading up to this day, she continued to talk with Nova about freeing the Eldians. The two would always talk about interesting things like that, that's why Eris liked Nova. She could always go on and on about anything and Nova would always listen. This is why the fact the Eris would have to eat her was killing her inside. Eris had grown attached to Nova and now she would be gone.

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Eris stepped into the room to see Nova chained and smiling at her, reassuring her that everything would be fine. Days before Nova has told her that she wouldn't be gone completely, as she would live in Eris's memory. Remembering this gave Eris the boost of confidence she needed.

When she finally turned to a Titan and ate Nova, immediately thousands upon thousands of memories flashed before her eyes. Memories she had never seen before and some memories of the boy from her dreams, Eren.

She saw the past, the future, and everything in between. She now knew why her questions were so hard to find an answer to. She also knew why people would call the holders of the mind Titan crazy. After the holders would get the Titan they would have this look in their eyes. It was a scary look one that looked like it had seen all. It was true, the holders had seen all, they had seen their future and everyone else around them as well.

To the people around her, it looked like she was in an excoriating pain. Her eyes glowed white even after she had been cut out of the Titan. They glowed such a bright white that it would hurt anyone's eyes who looked at them for too long. This had never happened with anyone else who became the holder of the mind Titan. Usually their eyes would just glow a tiny bit but hers gleamed.

They were like rays from the sun, it almost looked like as if she had laser vision. Just when the people around her thought that the glowing would stop, her eyes started to glow even brighter. Bright enough to the point were her eyes lite up the dark room.

The helpers around decided to put a cloth over her eyes to stop them from gleaming but the cloth lite up in flames as soon as the did so. They decided that they would put her in a cell, that way if anything happened, no one would get hurt.

It was very hard though, as it felt like she was on fire. Other then her glowing eyes, she looked fine so they assumed that nothing was wrong with her. Once they locked her up, people took notes about her transformation outside of her cell.

It looked like she was stuck in a horrid nightmare that she couldn't escape from, names rushed out of her lips quietly in hushed tones. She thrashed around on the bed of her cell before her whole body began to glow. At this point, the researchers couldn't even look at her, it would blind them in seconds and so they just hoped that it would be over soon. She wasn't only just glowing, she was burning everything that touched her. The bed in the cell and everything on it quickly disintegrated into dust.

Currently the memories were showing her the future, and there it was, the answer to all of her questions. The reason why she had to fight. Freedom. There in her memories it showed her that she was the person who would finally be able to break Ymir's curse.

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