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"the hidden secret
isn't so hidden
now that a new
sensation blooms"

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Seeing her friends on a roof top, Eris made her way over to them. They watched as she rolled onto the roof Jean and Connie were on.

"What're you all standing around for, aren't you supposed to be at the HQ?" Eris asked to no one in particular.

"Eris! Weren't you with the rear guard?" Connie questioned as he went over to her.

"Yeah but they let me find you guys, what're you all doing here?" She asked again because she still didn't get an answer.

"We're done for, we're all outta gas." Jean closed his eyes. Mikasa then came running over towards Armin. She began to ask him where Eren was until he finally answered.

"They were... the cadets of squad 34 Thomas, Mina Carolina, and Eren Yaeger. These brave 5 upheld their duties they died on the field of battle." Armin sobbed. Everyone else looked at him in shock that their friends had died, especially Mikasa after hearing about Eren.

Mikasa then went on a rant about defeating the Titans and went off, Armin and Connie followed her. Eris went on her own way also following Mikasa just like the others, just taking a different path.

She killed all the Titans in her path before her gas went out. Jean had noticed but believed on her so he went on.

The girl fell until she was caught in the hands of a Titan, just as she was caught, another Titan came running and punched the one that caught her in the face. It went after the other Titan before turning to her.

"Hey there Titan, don't- ahhh!" The Titan quickly grabbed her before she could finish her sentence and held her up to its face.

Taking a good look at it, she then realized that it was Erens Titan, the attack Titan. She then told it to put her down on a nearby roof and it did.

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"Eris!" Jean shouted as he flew down to the roof she was on. After taking one last glance at her, the Attack Titan was on his way to go kill other Titans.

"Are you ok!?" Jean questioned and he kneeled down next to her making sure that she wasn't hurt or anything.

"I'm fine I just ran out of gas." She told him getting up and noticing that the HQ was only like two houses away.

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